whats wrong .

i have this cmd for /sellbus but the prob is .. i can sell any bus in the game

lets say i own "sex shop" biz and my friend own "4D" biz. if i went to his biz and did /sellbus i cant cuz i already have no biz. but if i bought biz and went to my friend biz then i can sell it . i hope u guys got that i mean.

here the cmd ( i think the prob with it not with another stuff )

pawn Код:
    #pragma unused params
 if(DoesPlayerOwnBusiness(playerid) == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOUR_RED,"You do not own any business");
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfOwnedBusiness(playerid) != -1)
            new biz[50],pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
            new b = IsPlayerInRangeOfOwnedBusiness(playerid);
            new string[128];
            new name[MAX_STRING];
            name = dini_Get("business.ini",biz);
            format(string,sizeof(string),"You have sold %s",name);
            OwnsBusiness[playerid] = 0;
            new cash = dini_Int("Business.ini",biz);
            OwnsBusiness[playerid] = 0;
        else return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOUR_RED,"You are not in range of your business!");
    return 1;
i can show u the whole script if u want. every thing is working great except this i rly need it done! ty ^

I didn't get your point (and so probably no one will). Elaborate more.

k here ..

this script is buiness system with 3 simple commands. /buybus /sellbus and /getprofit so .. every thing is working great except /sellbus command! i can sell any biz i want even if i wasnt the owner. but to sell i have to be owner of one. if i own an biz then i can sell any one not just mine but if i dont own one then i cant cuz i will have this msg "u dont have any biz to own"

got me now bro ?

You've never put a check to see if the business you're selling is not yours.

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