My server won't let me connect.

I have DMZ'd my server, and added it to my favorites (82.*.**.***:43594)
and it came up with the name and the players for me and a friend, i tried connecting but the server doesn't respond, i have port forwaded other ports and it works for them programs and shit, just not this one ? why? i also have my firewall turned off.

Tried using :7777 as port?

yes i tried 7777 and 43594 and 5150

Home Hosted? Well you must use and other players
use that 82.*.**.***:****

That happeend to me before , i am not sure if it's the same problem but , when you download a GM and put it on , don't put it from the same Server Pack Downloaded - When i do this i don't connect , you will have to download the normal scripting back and put the server files in it and give it a try , hope that help

Try connecting with or with and see if it works. You should only connect with your LAN IP while others outside of your network should connect with your WAN IP. If all else fails, consider going with a hosting provider such as Server FFS. Or, if you wish to aim higher, buy a VPS or Dedicated from somewhere. Hope this is of help to you.

Your Port ( 7777 ) is open on your router?

Try localhost:7777

As other people can connect to your server. Make sure you are using a matching server and client release.

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