(HELP) Russian Mafia

Hello, i have faction Russian Mafia, and they have HQ in mad dogs villa...
And i add a faction cars, good coordinates and when i get out of villa cars arent there
and if i do /gotocar (id) of the car i will spawn where i do a coordiantes and cars spawn here...

When you exit the HQ, make sure your vitrual world goes back to 0.
I guess your cars are in virtul world, it must be something with VIRTUAL WORLD.
Check it once again.

how to check

I think I know already what is it, on mad dogs zone can stay cars, when i parked it out of zone, behind gate, cars spawned normally, but why this ...

That works fine for me, as I said have a look once again, that must be virtual world.
I don't think ZONES are changing this here.

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