need help

i have a trucking server, what i need to no is , i want to make a teleport menu = i can do

i have up to now 4 diffrent classes which i have made using the team way - so team 1 =police

i want to make it that if they type /rescue the police will only go to police stations

truckers only got to truck depots


any one have help for me ?

also would like it that in the menu that the player gets to pick which depot they go to

Find the topic where your GM was released and ask there. You will have a better chance of a "helpful" response.

Originally Posted by Godhimself
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Find the topic where your GM was released and ask there. You will have a better chance of a "helpful" response.
What are you saying? He's asking for help regarding a command in which he would like. If in his first statement he didn't say "i have a trucking server", you wouldn't have made a response.

I'm having a hard time understanding you bally. You'd like a /rescue command. Will this command prompt a Dialog with Teleports? Or will the command when executed teleport the person?

i want say if a player is a trucker and his truck blows up and cant get back to base he type /rescue and then gets to choose from say 5 truck depots on which he can rescue to , same for all other classes aswel but police only go to police station, etc

I know what you think and i can script this for you. PMing you.

replied back to

i have few other problems i can maybe use help with

im using luxadmin and would like that instead of any writing saying u have been logged in , i want it to be a dialog box?

and the same with register


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