Accounts do not want to be saved!

Account saving only in this cases:

disconnect /q or another reason like ban, kick, time out, disconnect!
when server off (closing samp-server or /rcon exit)

but when server restarts or i'm typing /rcon gmx, they do not want to be saved, or key going down to "0"!

And btw i'm using mxINI...cause y_ini maby too hard in use =)

This is normal, because when your server restarts, the server doesn't respond to the restarts. It's like, how do you know you're dead when you're dead?

My guess is you use OnPlayerDisconnect to call your saving function correct?
If that is true then also make a function that is called in OnGameModeExit that loops through 0-500 (player ids) that calls the function that saves the players, this way when the server restarts it will save these because OnGameModeExit is called but not OnPlayerDisconnect.

i did it all, but players accounts keys and vars going to "0"

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