Cannot get on my server (on VPS)

Hi all
I have got one SA-MP server on VPS and I have a problem.
As You can see \/ below \/ I've got all info about the server in my client server browser.

But ...
When I'm trying to connect to the server I can't do this. As You can see \/ below \/.

Could someone help me??

Your server is running on 0.3a R4 but your client is 0.3c, update server and you can succesfully connect.

Server version:

Client version:

If you want to update your server to 0.3c then you have to download 0.3c server files at here

then upload them, overwrite, restart server, and voilaa done , hope it helps you.

Ohh ... I'm so stupid. It's because someone installed it instead of me and I didn't know the version Thanks Andrus

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