veh loop.

Hello all, so I have a question about vehicle loop.

So, if every day player would buy a car - then I would need to update MAX_VEHICLES value? Its impossible

Then, if I set MAX_VEHICLES to high value, its bad for me, because Im saving some things with MySQL and y_ini. And if I set high value, then its creates SO MUCH .ini files, so I want to loop ONLY CREATED vehicles.

Any suggestions? :S

use a variable

So, I need to create variable first.

Then, if I have some vehicles in OnGameModeInit(for jobs, etc) at the last vehicle I need to add

var = (example: var = CreateVeh(...);

Then, if I create vehicle somewhere normally(just CreateVeh..()) I need to add var = too?

And then, loop would be

for(new something; something < var; something++)

Im correct?

But btw, maybe there's some other suggestions?

Bump, any suggestions??

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