[HELP] OnPlayerText

Hello , i have bot in the chat of my server .
when someone will send "Hello Bot" Message the bot will say : Hello , PlayerName !
But When The player send the message its will be like this : "PlayerName: Hello Bot "
But Its need to be like this : "PlayerName: Hello Bot [ID:%d]" , Because When player Does not Say Hello Bot Its Will send like this :
"PlayerName: Text [ID:0]"

my OnPlayerText :
//                               TheBot
    if(!strcmp(text, "Hi Bot", true) || !strcmp(text, "дйй беи", true) || !strcmp(text, "щмен беи", true))
    	SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, text);
    	format(str,sizeof(str),"! %s щмен",pn);
		return 0;
    if(!strcmp(text, "BB Bot", true) || !strcmp(text, "Bye Bot", true) || !strcmp(text, "бйй беи", true) || !strcmp(text, "мдъшаеъ беи", true))
    	SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, text);
    	format(str,sizeof(str),"! ъзжеш бчшеб, %s мдъшаеъ",pn);
		return 0;
    if(!strcmp(text, "беи од дщйвешйн бщшъ", true) || !strcmp(text, "беи айк ощъвшйн", true) || !strcmp(text, "беи айк афщш мдщъвш", true))
    	SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, text);
		SendBotMessage("/Teleports - аъ шщйоъ дщйвешйн дчййойн бщшъ дчмг аъ дфчегд");
		return 0;
    if(!strcmp(text, "беи айк темйн шод", true) || !strcmp(text, "беи тег лод дшйвеъ арй темд шод", true) || !strcmp(text, "беи тег лод дшйвеъ рщаше мй мшод дбад", true))
    	SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, text);
		SendBotMessage("/NextLevel - аъ осфш ддшйвеъ дгшещеъ мтмеъ мшоък дбад рйъп мбгеч бфчегд");
		return 0;
    if(!strcmp(text, "беи ъбйа ълсу", true) || !strcmp(text, "беи ъбйа лсу", true) || !strcmp(text, "беи лсу", true) || !strcmp(text, "беи ъп лсу", true) || !strcmp(text, "беи афщш лсу", true))
    	SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, text);
		if(Bot_Money[playerid] == false)
			new Bot_Money_Rand = random(9000)+1000;
			format(String,sizeof(String),"чйбмъ %d $ , ъдрд.",Bot_Money_Rand);
			Bot_Money[playerid] = true;
		else SendBotMessage(".оцитш, лбш чйбмъ - ъщйв мбг");
// Tags
	format(TagSysNew, sizeof(TagSysNew), "%s {FFFFFF}[ID: %d]",text, playerid);
	return 0;}
	else if(dini_Exists(GetFileTag(playerid))){
	format(TagSysNew, sizeof(TagSysNew), "%s {FFFFFF}[ ID: %d | %s{FFFFFF}]",text, playerid,(dini_Get(file,"Tag")));
	return 0;}
how can i do that when someone will send a "Hello Bot" Message its will be like this : "PlayerName: Hello Bot [ID:%d]"
please Help Me !!

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