I am new to Scripting and i need your help.

First of all I am making a new sa-mp Heavy Roleplay server for you all.
I dont know how to portforward the server for free so you all Can join the server.

I need scripting help.

Can you make.
a /n(ewbie) chat. ( All information below.)

Newbie -:
The new person who can use /n and ask questions in the /n chat. He/She cant use the /n chat at lvl 5+ unless he would be a Helper.

Helper -:
A helper can use /n chat at any level. A helper can only help the people and nothing else. A helper is choosen by admin lvl [Level]( the admin script i will give you)

Helper Mod(Moderator) -:
A helper Mod can you /n at any level and help newbies and helpers. A helper Mod can also make a newbie to a helper rank. And a helper Mod can /nmute or /nunmute the newbies or helpers for the particular time. And it will show You still have %i minutes to be unmuted.

Color of /n chat.
Light Green and it will show like this.
if = Newbie
*Newbie Harry_Sandhu: %s

if = Helper
*Helper Harry_Sandhu: %s

if = Helper Moderator
*Helper Mod Harry_Sandhu: %s

if = Admin
*Admin Harry_Sandhu: %s

How it will show?

/nmute [playerid] [time] [reason: optional]
When you /nmute then it will show.
You have been Muted by %s for %i minutes [Reason: %s]
and when the player is muted and still he type /n %s anything then the message will appear
You still have %i minutes to be unmuted from the newbie chat.

And the message to Helper mod will show.
You have muted %s for %i minutes [Reason: %s]

/nunmute [playerid]
You have been unmuted by Helper Mod %s from the newbie chat.

The message to Helper Mod will show.
You have unmuted %s from the newbie chat.

And if a Mod not unmuted someone but the time completed for the unmute then the message will show as follow.
You have been unmuted from the newbie chat.

If you can make this then i will be very greatful of you and will be thanking you.
Sorry for the Bad English

Er, I think you can figure this out on the wiki by yourself, Or even look in some GMs.

EDITED: i have edited it.

And i dont like those ones and i dont know as i am new to the sa-mp scripting!

Well for the Chat i would put it in teams So it would look like this.

new gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];
#define newbie
#define helper
#define HelperMod
#define newbie_COLOUR 0x33AA33AA
#define helper_COLOUR 0x0000BBAA
#define HelperMod_COLOUR 0xFF6347AA
These Are the Spawns
AddPlayerClass(266,1568.5076,-1691.5100,5.8906,182.6821,24,200,25,100,3,1); // newbie
	AddPlayerClass(267,1572.1798,-1691.3918,5.8906,176.2471,24,200,25,100,3,1); // helper
	AddPlayerClass(270,2527.2998,-1665.0039,15.1669,96.5309,0,0,24,100,25,100); // helpermod
		case 0: gTeam[playerid] = newbie;
		case 1: gTeam[playerid] = helper;
		case 2: gTeam[playerid] = helpermod;
	if(gTeam[playerid] == newbie)
		SetPlayerColor(playerid,newbie_COLOUR); //Green
	if(gTeam[playerid] == helper)
		SetPlayerColor(playerid,helper_COLOUR); //Blue
	if(gTeam[playerid] == helpermod)
                SetPlayerColor(playerid,helpermod_COLOUR); //LightRed

No teams.

Only Ranks.

Can you make please

I will be very thankful if you help me in making the server and help in scripting and you will be the Scripter of the servr.

Can you make?

Creating Roleplay without scripting knowledge? Good luck with it. -.-

First of all, try not to make a RP when you got no scripting knowledge.
And if you want to make a specify chat, you need to use loops and the callback OnPlayerEnterText.

And we also do not ask for script in this topic.


Script requests are made in that thread.

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