20.06.2011, 15:44
Hi, I'm having a problem with strcmp on the inputtext of a List Dialog. Here is the code I am using.
The dialog is a list type, and the code fails on the strcmp line. When the 2 strings are the same, it fails. When the 2 strings are different, it fails. However, when the counter jumps to a blank slot, so carname is (null), the strcmp passes.
Ignore the spam prints, I added those so I could see what is going on. I also removed the actual lock code as that works fine.
I'm sure it is obvious, but I can't see what I've done wrong.
if (dialogid==9009) { if(response) { new tempslotnumlc; for (new tsnlc=0; tsnlc<MAX_OWNED_CARS; tsnlc++) { if (!strcmp(Carlist[playerid][tsnlc][carname], inputtext, false)) { printf("numbercounter: %i", tsnlc); tempslotnumlc=tsnlc; print(inputtext); print(Carlist[playerid][tsnlc][carname]); printf("number: %i", tempslotnumlc); break; } else { printf("numberintheelse: %i", tsnlc); tempslotnumlc=-1; print(inputtext); print(Carlist[playerid][tsnlc][carname]); } } if (tempslotnumlc!=-1) { Lock code is here. } } else {SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: {FFFFFF}You cancelled!");} }
Ignore the spam prints, I added those so I could see what is going on. I also removed the actual lock code as that works fine.
I'm sure it is obvious, but I can't see what I've done wrong.