[FilterScript] (Dialog):Color Dialog

Hello Scripters And Gamers
Guys have you ever wanted a simple color dialog without working and making it? Well ive had this script for about 1 months and desided its so simple i guess ill just release it So Here i will tell you some stuff about it

Ok Theres about 6 colors in a dialog the command is ""/colors""

It Will Open A Dialog And Wa-La Ur Done!!

Guys Hope You Enjoy A Very Simple Script i mean very simple

PasteBin > http://pastebin.com/MRz75Drb

Wat Does THis Do ?

Pictures? :S

Man.. colors... like first off please put some details or this topic will be closed. Thanks.

put some pictures

I find this completely pointless, using a dialog you can change the persons colour. He has got 6 colours which when you select a certain colour on the list it changes the colour using SetPlayerColor.

Probably doesn't explain much, just a dialog with a list of colors that changes the persons colour/color

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