How to disable "spawn" thingy...

hi there,

On my server, after a player has connected, some textdraws appearing first (before spawning). But if the player clicks "Spawn", script goes wrong. So, i want to disable that "Spawn" button (at least no effect after clicked it). Any ideas?

You could spawn them and then force them in to spectating?

There are many methods, I've forgotten which are the best.

When they connect put the player in spectator mode, that'll bypass it, process your script, pull him out of spectator mode and spawn him using whats said above (SpawnPlayer - or put him back into class selection).

Why not try return 0 at the end of OnPlayerRequestClass?
(Assuming you want to skip ALL Character Selection SAMP Features)

If anything, that should stop them from spawning if not knock out the buttons too, worth a shot though...

Thanks to all, problem has been solved.

public OnPlayerConect(playerid)

ViewingTextDraws[playerid] = 1;

public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
    if(ViewingTextDraws[playerid] == 1) return 0;

    return 1;

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