[Include] Tion's Callbacks


I can't play SA:MP right now ( ;( ) so I decidet to code a little bit with the windows text editor.

First i wanted to do a little OnPlayerArmedWeaponChange - callback, but right now there are more callbacks:


OnPlayerArmedWeaponChange(playerid, lastarmed, newarmed);
Called when a player changes his weapon he's holding in his hand

OnPlayerGatWeapon(playerid, weaponslot, weaponid, ammo);
Called when a player gat a new weapon for example through a pickup, ammunation, GivePlayerWeapon or cheating

OnPlayerLostConnection(playerid, playerip[], playername[]);
Called when a player lost he connection for example when his GTA was crashing

OnPlayerGetMessageSend(playerid, color, string);
Called when a player gat a message with SendClientMessage or SendClientMessagToAll

Installation: Just copy the source from pastebin in the pawno include folder and include it - Plug 'n play !

I can't test it and can't compile it for errors because this computer has no PAWN !


( I know that this was made in less than 5 minutes )


more information please and download with solider or mediafire

solidfiles has deleted my account >.< don't know why
I think I will upload it on my webspace...
That are Callbacks, don't know what to write about them... Such like

pawn Код:

I dont have a ftp-client and my computer will be to slow for it ( 224 mb RAM )

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