CPU usage on the server

Hello. I am using serverffs to host my server and they are always restarting it! The cpu usage is around 150% and peaks at 196% and 7.8% RAM

I have deleted ALOT of objects and cars from the GM and it doesnt change anything! I have tried to disable all fs, but didnt fix anything so the problem must be the GM.

Is there something that might be the cause for all of this? If you have ANY idea, please let me know so I can try it!

well I have made a script that uses infite amount of memory, 1 sec - 10 mb, 20 sec - 2 gb - 20+ sec - pc crash xD

Anyway if you have many moving objects or timers and many or infite loops it can cause processors to deny further instructions.

Try running LVDM for a few hours with no filterscripts or plugins etc. If it doesn't work, tell them what you did and demand at least a partial refund for the days you have already paid for.

Otherwise, it's your script. Debug it on your local computer.

Originally Posted by Blacklite
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Try running LVDM for a few hours with no filterscripts or plugins etc. If it doesn't work, tell them what you did and demand at least a partial refund for the days you have already paid for.

Otherwise, it's your script. Debug it on your local computer.
I am running it on lvdm and turned everything off.
Goes from 134%-242% :S

Originally Posted by ColdIce
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I am running it on lvdm and turned everything off.
Goes from 134%-242% :S
Well, the first thing they will do is get you to re-install it. Try that, then if it doesn't work, open a support ticket, and be clear that you have already re-installed it, and tried a "blank" game mode (LVDM).

ServerFFS is overloaded.

Originally Posted by Famalamalam
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ServerFFS is overloaded.
I agree, They give you a warm welcome, and once you are inside it's cold.. brrrr. Nothing good!

And what do you recommend instead? Volt?

I recommend less popular, yet small hosting companies.
they have not such server loads.

Originally Posted by ColdIce
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And what do you recommend instead? Volt?
I recommend this:


It's cheap and lag-free.

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