TypeFish says....

TypeFish says that my server is on the Internet List but is not Online?

Whats wrong? Ive tried to PortForward and it just comes up with this...


Try games and application sharing.

Then what? I get

And then I choose Create a new game and I can find samp server?

Yes, you might have to manually add port 7777 or whatever port your server uses.

Thats the thing, I try to and I cant... I follow everything from http://portforward.com/ and I go to type and I get this...

Can anyone else help me? PLEASE

i have this modem man look my description!::

1.create a new game or aplication
2. Name : sampserver | click Manual Entry of Port Maps
next use in 7777 or other ports in just one __ click "add"
4. cick this next step : Assign a game or application to a local network device
and click in Game or Application : your application name : sampserver and in: Device your pc name who you want to host your server!
end click add.

Open your server and Enjoy
your server is online!

ZOMG Thankyou!!!!!

Nothing Just Help!

for your post in RP server : I AM 0.3C MAPPER if nedd pm me!

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