I need a scripter

I need a scripter that will script me an RP script

Do Not pester me about paying people to script as I WILL NEVER PAY OVER THE INTERNET

Dynamic factions
Dynamic Houses
Dynamic Businesses
A Realistic Prison Interior

The rewards will be:
Own private forums on www.supercoolrp.web44.net
High ranking admin position (If you want it)
head Developer position (If you want it)

I dont think you are going to find scripter because:
1. Forum is free
2. No hosted server
3. You dont want to pay them

Why people keep asking for a scripter for free, cant you see EVERYTIME someone asks, people say "nobody is going to script for free"

Originally Posted by black_dota
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I dont think you are going to find scripter because:
1. Forum is free
2. No hosted server
3. You dont want to pay them
4. Your post seems like a joke.

I was interested, and then I was like 'hell no'.

1) Your forum board looks nulled. Therefore, I reported your site.

2) Free hosting makes you look cheap because you didn't bother investing a penny towards your domain / server.

3) The scripter is doing all of this hard work for you, and you only give him donor status, a private forum, and a job to administrate your server? Sorry, but that's just wrong.

4) Why wouldn't you pay over the internet? That's just dumb. If you can't afford to pay your scripter(s), then learn to script and make your own gamemode.

Originally Posted by 69Playa
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How? He's clearly stating the flaws of the OP's request. Useless post is useless.
I added a point to his post therefore I was referring to the OP rather than to the person quoting him.

Re read.

Originally Posted by o_O
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I added a point to his post therefore I was referring to the OP rather than to the person quoting him.

Re read.
Sorry. I didn't know.

I pester you to pay people for scripting.

1) Reported to Invision Board, yeah I'm an ass get over it.
2) If thats a 000Webhost domain, you will get perma banned by them for nulled software.
3) This will be the billionth time someone has said this, no one will work for free now and days.
4) We should just sticky this topic and name it, "Don't act like this jackwagon!"

Originally Posted by Steven82
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1) Reported to Invision Board, yeah I'm an ass get over it.
2) If thats a 000Webhost domain, you will get perma banned by them for nulled software.
3) This will be the billionth time someone has said this, no one will work for free now and days.
4) We should just sticky this topic and name it, "Don't act like this jackwagon!"
<3 You for reporting nulled crap.

@ Author You will never get a Scripter. You are a moron for using nulled software.

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