YSI Dont Respond!


Error:Coloud Not Connect To YSI Update Server <responce was 006>.

Thats What Keep Coming Help!

hmm....em also facing this problem !!!

indeed same as me try to redownload and copy whole file in the winrar then paste it in ur server..

If that doesn't help ^^ post in the YSI thread or try a different DL link.

EDIT: It should still work though thats just the update server, to tell you if your using the latest version.

Originally Posted by iggy1
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If that doesn't help ^^ post in the YSI thread or try a different DL link.

indeed same as me try to redownload and copy whole file in the winrar then paste it in ur server..

Tried the bothe but no chance says the same!!!!

I edited my post the YSI functions will still work. That just to tell you if your using the newest version available. The error is saying it could not connect to the update server... which isn't needed to use the functions. The .amx is still the same when its running.

Originally Posted by iggy1
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I edited my post the YSI functions will still work. That just to tell you if your using the newest version available.
I am using YSI_1.0.....but saying me the same

Originally Posted by ******
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iggy1 is correct. YSI still works fine without the update server, it just means that it can't check if there's a new version (which there isn't anyway).

Maybe I'll make the message less serious in future versions so people don't worry.

I have, however, fixed the problem connecting now (may take a bit to update though).
Omg,Now it connects with the update server ........****** your awesome.......thanks man and yes the update checker is the best.please dont remove it in future versions and yes dont worry about the error message ....Louve you bro........

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