Code crashes PAWNO

This simple code crashes pawno....
// uncomment the line below if you want to write a filterscript

#include <a_samp>
new Float:pos[MAX_PLAYERS][3];
new Float:price = 0.925; // Price per KM
new Float:dist[MAX_PLAYERS];
new tim[MAX_PLAYERS];

forward tim(playerid);
public tim(playerid)
	if (!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return 0;
	new Float:px, Float:py, Float:pz;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, px, py, pz);
	new Float:km = (floatsqroot( (px-pos[playerid][0])*(px-pos[playerid][0]) ) + ( (py-pos[playerid][1])*(py-pos[playerid][1]) ) + ( (pz-pos[playerid][2])*(pz-pos[playerid][2]) ) ) / 1000;
	pos[playerid][0] = px; pos[playerid][1] = py; pos[playerid][2] = pz;
	dist[playerid] = dist[playerid] + km;
	return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/start"))
	    GetPlayerPos(playerid, pos[playerid][0], pos[playerid][1], pos[playerid][2]);
	    dist[playerid] = 0.0;
	    tim[playerid] = SetTimerEx("tim", 5000, 1, "d", playerid);
	    new msg[92];
	    format(msg, sizeof(msg), "* Az utazбs megkezdődцtt %f $-os KM-enkйnti бrral!", price);
	    return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xffff00ff, msg);
	if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/stop"))
	    new Float:px, Float:py, Float:pz;
	    GetPlayerPos(playerid, px, py, pz);
	    new Float:km = (floatsqroot( ( (px-pos[playerid][0])*(px-pos[playerid][0]) ) + ( (py-pos[playerid][1])*(py-pos[playerid][1]) ) + ( (pz-pos[playerid][2])*(pz-pos[playerid][2]) ) )) / 1000;
		km = km + dist[playerid];
		new msg[92];
		new myprice = floatround(price * km);
		dist[playerid] = 0.0;
		format(msg, sizeof(msg), "* Az utazбs vйget йrt! %0.3f KM-t utaztбl, ez %d $-ba kerьlt neked!", km, myprice);
		return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xffff00ff, msg);
	if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/price", true, 6))
	    if (cmdtext[6] != ' ') return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xff0000ff, "* Hasznбlat: /price [бr / km]");
	    new msg[92];
	    format(msg, sizeof(msg), "* Az ъj fuvar бr: %f $ / km!", floatstr(cmdtext[7]));
	    SendClientMessageToAll(0xffff00ff, msg);
	    price = floatstr(cmdtext[7]);
		return 1;
	return 0;
What can be the problem...?

Problem solved. Problem was: "tim" was a variable and a function name too... and this caused crash in the "new Float:km = ..." section....


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