05.05.2011, 15:11
Ok i made this command,
I want to add more createexplosion to it, But that explosion should happen 1 sec after the previous explosion, I hope you understand
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/activatebomb", true) == 0) // car bomb { new playa[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid, playa, 24); if (Cbomb[playerid] == 1) { new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z; GetVehiclePos(carbomb[playerid],X,Y,Z); SetVehicleHealth(carbomb[playerid],-999); CreateExplosion(X+1,Y+1,Z+1, 7, 7); CreateExplosion(X+1,Y+1,Z+1, 7, 7); } return 1; } |