Definition of Pi

Does anyone know how to define Pi in Pawno (the full definition not only 3.1415)?
Thanks for helpers

Originally Posted by ******
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Pi is an irrational number, that means there is no full definition. It is known to a few trillion decimal places, but no repeating pattern has been found yet. How accurate would you like it?
I know its an irrational number,but when I said full I ment as close as it can be to the origional pai
I think 50-100 numbers after the period is enough

Originally Posted by ******
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It will be constrained by the size of a floating point number, which is only accurate up to 7dp;
I read this a bit,but the code is not clear (he added variables like pid,pif and stuff,and I don't know what are they suppose to do)
But as far as I know,all I need is this:
pawn Код:
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062

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