03.05.2011, 17:49
Последний раз редактировалось RyDeR`; 06.08.2011 в 18:35.
FileFunctions v0.1b
This plugin allows you to manage files. There are some interresting features:
- Initial release.
Download (Source + Include + .dll) (Windows)
Download (Source + .so) (Linux)
- You must have Microsoft .NET Framework 4 installed to run this.
- This is a beta version and may contain bugs. Please report if you find one.
- Credits go to this site where I got many useful information from.
This plugin allows you to manage files. There are some interresting features:
- Lots of functions
- More filemodes available
- Slightly faster than SA-MP I/O
- Allows you to manage files not only limited in 'scriptfiles' but over your whole server directory (starting from the root)
- Usage is very similar and working is exact the same like SA:MP I/O
- Using a 'File' tag for file index.
- ...
- File: fileOpen(const fileName[], io_FileMode: fileMode);
- Opens a file.
- If the file has been succesfully opened the function will return a pointer to a file object that is used to identify the handle on all further operations involving it. Otherwise, a null pointer is returned.
- File: fileReOpen(File: handle, const fileName[], io_FileMode: fileMode);
- Reopens a file.
- If the file was succesfully reopened, the function returns a pointer to an object identifying the handle. Otherwise, a null pointer is returned.
- fileClose(File: handle);
- Closes a file.
- If the handle is successfully closed, a zero value is returned. On failure, EOF (-1) is returned.
- fileRemove(const fileName[]);
- Removes a file.
- If the file is successfully removed, a true value is returned. On failure, a null pointer is returned.
- fileExists(const fileName[]);
- Checks if a files exists.
- If the file exists, a true value is returned. On failure, a null pointer is returned.
- fileMove(const currentFilePath[], const newFilePath[]);
- Moves a file. It can be used to rename a file too.
- If the file is succesfully moved, a true value is returned. On failure, a null pointer is returned.
- fileRewind(File: handle);
- Sets the position indicator associated with handle to the beginning of the file.
- If the file that has to be rewind exists, a true value is returned. On failure, a null pointer is returned.
- fileWrite(File: handle, const string[]);
- Writes the string to the current position of the handle.
- The total number of elements successfully written is returned.
- fileRead(File: handle, buffer[], const size = sizeof(buffer));
- Reads the file starting from the current position of the handle and stores the data in the buffer. Reads line by line.
- If reading is succesful, a true value will be returned. On failure, a null pointer is returned.
- filePutChar(File: handle, value);
- Writes a character to the handle and advances the position indicator.
- If there are no errors, the same character that has been written is returned. On failure, EOF (-1) is returned.
- fileGetChar(File: handle);
- Returns the character currently pointed by the internal file position indicator of the specified handle.
- If there are no errors, the character read is returned as an integer value. On failure, EOF (-1) is returned.
- fileSeek(File: handle, position, seek_Origin: origin);
- Sets the position indicator associated with the stream to a new position defined by adding offset to a reference position specified by origin.
- If there are no errors, a true value is returned. Otherwise, a null pointer is returned.
- fileLength(File: handle);
- On success, the current value of the position indicator is returned.
- If there are no errors, the size of the file will return in bytes. On failure, EOF (-1) is returned.
- Initial release.
Download (Source + Include + .dll) (Windows)
Download (Source + .so) (Linux)
- You must have Microsoft .NET Framework 4 installed to run this.
- This is a beta version and may contain bugs. Please report if you find one.
- Credits go to this site where I got many useful information from.