01.05.2011, 14:39
pawn Код:
if(a <= 5.0 || a >= 355.0) x += 0.645;
else if(a <= 10.0) x += 0.645 + (floatsin(-a, degrees) / 0.62);
else if(a <= 20.0) x += 0.645 + (floatsin(-a, degrees) / 0.68);
else if(a <= 30.0) x += 0.645 + (floatsin(-a, degrees) / 0.69);
else if(a <= 40.0) x += 0.645 + (floatsin(-a, degrees) / 0.65);
else if(a <= 44.0) x += 0.645 + (floatsin(-a, degrees) / 0.62);
else if(a <= 48.0) x += 0.645 + (floatsin(-a, degrees) / 0.60);
else if(a <= 50.0) x += 0.645 + (floatsin(-a, degrees) / 0.58);
else if(a <= 60.0) x += 0.645 + (floatsin(-a, degrees) / 0.63), y -= 0.3;
im trying to get at each angle, it will create a pickup at the minigun (at the bullet holders or w/e, in this picture it shows at angle 40.0 is working right, but after 70 i cant seem to get it to work, isn't there some kind of way to do it in a few lines with floatsin or something?
x offset at 0.0 - 0.645
y offset at 0.0 - 1.42
z offset at - -0.30 + 0.07