Problems Installing sscanf 2.0

Hello, I wanted to install GarHouse 2.0, This requires me to use streamer and sscanf, Now, streamer loads fine, but sscanf dose not. In the sscanf.rar file there are 3 folders: pawno>include (I put that in there), plugins (i put all the plugins in the folder and added them to the .cfg file) and sscanf, now, this folder "sscanf" I did not put anywhere because I dont know where to put it. Can somebody please help me with this?

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[18:34:38] Server Plugins
[18:34:38] --------------
[18:34:38]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:34:38]   Loaded.
[18:34:38]  Loading plugin: sscanf
[18:34:38]   Failed.
[18:34:38]  Loaded 1 plugins.

[18:34:38] Filter Scripts
[18:34:38] ---------------
[18:34:38]   Loading filter script 'Zadmin1.0.amx'...
[18:34:38] - Opzioni di Attivazione comandi admin caricata
[18:34:38] - Configurazione opzioni server + anticheat caricata
[18:34:38] - Configurazione livelli dei comandi admin caricata
[18:34:38] - ANTI-SWEAR: 21 forbidden words loaded
[18:34:38] *************************************
[18:34:38] *            [FS]Zadmin             *
[18:34:38] *               v1.0                *
[18:34:38] *              Loaded               *
[18:34:38] *************************************

[18:34:38]   Loading filter script 'GarHouse.amx'...
[18:34:38]   Loading filter script 'AFKSystem.amx'...
[18:34:38]   Loading filter script 'PConnect.amx'...
[18:34:38]   Loading filter script 'Sos.amx'...
[18:34:38]   Loading filter script 'weaponbanner.amx'...

If you don't have installed net framework 3.5 try install it or 4.0 version

Installing now, but whats dose that sscanf folder have to do with anything? It looks like its got important files in.

Nope, even when I installed .net 3.5 and .net 4, it still wont work! I need to place that sscanf folder somewhere, it looks like its got lots of important files in.

You need only put sscanf.dll in plugins folder then put in pawn/include/... write in server.cfg plugins sscanf and in gamemode #include "../pawno/include/"

Nope, still wont work, I will look for another house system.

And will keep a backup of this state if the problem can be fixed.

Stop double posting, read the rules. Edit your posts.

It's exactly what Raimis_R said.
sscanf.dll should be in your "Plugins" folder.
Except if you're using LINUX, put in your "Plugins" folder.
Then put in your includes folder "/pawno/includes".

Then type at the top of your script: "#include sscanf2".

Then go to your server.cfg, and type "plugins sscanf", or if you're using Linux, type "plugins".

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