Future samp?

What would u imagine samp would be in the future?
Would it be really different ?
Or do you think it would stay the same?
Because new ideas are coming everyday!
But if you give an idea make sure you think it would be possible to make .
And not just any random thing that u think would be good

It will always be San Andreas, I can't see it changing too much unless custom objects are supported allowing servers to recreate maps from other games etc. There are lots of features that would improve SA-MP in the suggestions topic but with only a few developers working on this mod I can't see drastic changes over the next year or so.

0.3a Was the best, for sure. Colors made it suck :3

I think SA-MP would have awesome functions, but we can't say that this modification is that, with which we can make everything we want, because developers don't want that

I hope that SA-MP continues to be updated. It still has several bugs which need to be worked out and I am hoping that they will be repaired soon. SA-MP has been around for a couple of years now and it seems to be quite popular. I know it would be devastating to a lot of community's if SA-MP suddenly closed one day. I just hope to see a lot of the ideas mentioned by people on the SA-MP forums be implemented into it one day...

I hope they vill fix all bugs and then they can add some new cool things! Sa-mp forever...

Improvement in its own GUI...

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