Audio Plugin

hello i want to use audio plugin on my server and to do so i need to include #include <audio>

and when i do that the server doesnt start:


You most likely forgot to include the plugin. You need the .dll in your plugins folder, and in server.cfg the dll at your 'plugins' line.

i added it, the server starts now but doesnt work still

what i have is in server.cfg plugins audio

in plugins folder: audio.dll

in my gm:

pawn Код:
#include <audio>

    if(strcmp(cmd, "/test", true) == 0)
        Audio_PlayStreamed(playerid, "");
why does it not work? thx

If you can show more lines of a server-log

No, the server starts, its just that the music doesnt play when i type test

You should look at this:

Its good example

this looks like the content of audio.ini? Just tell me what to add in my map for it to play i dont really need to do this [Defalut_Playlist] stuff cos im streaming music not playing it from server?

right it works now its fine, how can i allow the songs to change? so when one song finish the other one start

lets say this song just finished : muzaR[playerid] = Audio_PlayStreamed(playerid, "");

so i want this one to start : muzaR2[playerid] = Audio_PlayStreamed(playerid, "");

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