Need help detecting health and vehicle health hacks

making an anti cheat so far i got money hack and weapon hacks sorted and im attempting to do airbreak hack even tho like airbreak hack is hard as fuck to catch anyway i need some directions about the vehicle health and normal health hack

Originally Posted by peterRook
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making an anti cheat so far i got money hack and weapon hacks sorted and im attempting to do airbreak hack even tho like airbreak hack is hard as fuck to catch anyway i need some directions about the vehicle health and normal health hack
Okay first at all, I did not understand the most of what you've said. Try using "." in your sentences and write in an understandable english. Also you should explain what your exact problem or question is, because we cannot just give you a 'direction'. The idea itself has to come from you.

Well at this point in time my anti cheat includes and is not limited to money hacks and weapon hacks i want to add health hacks and vehicle health hacks, I want to know how to start with coding atleast one of these.

I mean the Player health will do and i will duplicate it for the vehicle health.

P.S Is my grammar better now?((moany git ^^))

You shouldn't be complaining about grammar if yours is just as bad. The only health hack you can detect is the one that increases your health. Vehicle health hacks however can be detected by setting all vehicles to have a max health of 999, so if they have 1000 they're hacking.

Originally Posted by SilentHuntR
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You shouldn't be complaining about grammar if yours is just as bad. The only health hack you can detect is the one that increases your health. Vehicle health hacks however can be detected by setting all vehicles to have a max health of 999, so if they have 1000 they're hacking.
Well, you should check if they are bugged, it doesn't have to be Vehicle Health Hack.

A good way is to set, every player's health to 99 on spawn and other health-filling events. Also vehicles under a loop at OnGameModeInit and OnVehicleSpawn should set their health to 990. If it's higher than it, then it's a hacker (but be aware of sprunk machines and restaurants) most of the times, but they could be bugged / packet loss so it's a important thing to consider aswell.

Well i found a bug with money it sets it all ot zeo and cant take any from the ban cant find out why -.-

define code -

#define GivePlayerMoneyEx(%0,%1) SetPVarInt(%0,"Money",GetPlayerMoneyEx(%0)+%1),Giv ePlayerMoney()
#define ResetPlayerMoneyEx(%0) SetPVarInt(%0,"Money",0),ResetPlayerMoney(%0)
#define GetPlayerMoneyEx(%0) GetPVarInt(%0,"Money")

pawn code -

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
if(GetPlayerMoneyEx(playerid) != GetPlayerMoney(playerid))
new const old_money = GetPlayerMoneyEx(playerid);
ResetPlayerMoneyEx(playerid), GivePlayerMoneyEx(playerid, old_money);
return 1;


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