[GameMode] Ultimate Deathmatch - Scripted from scratch

Ultimate Deathmatch - By AlexxzPro
Hello, i am back with a new gamemode. I made a Deathmatch GM.
This script is entirly scripted from scratch. I have been working on this gamemode for about 2-3 days.
And it was worth it. I think its the best GM i ever made so far.

Script Information:

Script Name: Ultimate Deathmatch (U-DM)
Script Lines:1842
Script Worktime:2-3 days!


Registration System
This script got a registration system. So people can restore their stats and what so ever.

Admin System

This script got a simple admin system built it.
Only with the most needed commands. /kick & /ban.
More can be added by request

Gold Coin System
This script also got a Gold Coin system.
You can buy coins at the spawnpoint.
And they can be used with many different things.
Write /help and then enter Gold Coins. And you can buy stuff for your gold coins.
When you agree to the rules, you recive 1 free gold coin.

Anti Fight System
When you are at the spawn point. You dont wanna be killed.
So i have put a stop to this. When you attack in spawn point. You will get slapped.
And if you get 3 warnings. You will be kicked automaticly.

Arena System
There is different arenas where people can fight in.
To earn cash and gain score.
There is 9 different arenas for people to fight in.

Laser Pointer System

I added Skiaffos laser pointer system into the script.
So the credits goes to him there.

6 NPCs
This script got 6 npcs in it. And they are very useful.
Without them, This GM wouldnt be right.
They are here to help you. For teleports,goldcoins,healing,weapons.
So if you are going to delete them. Then you have to remake some features.

Purgotary System
When you die, You have to go into Purgotary for 30 seconds.
If you dont know what purgotary is. Click me to find out<---- Click this link to find it out.

When you die:
After you have been in purgotary. You will spawn again in the same arena as you were before.
So you dont have to teleport all over again.


This script commands are scripted in ZCMD and SSCANF.
This was the first time i ever scripted with ZCMD and SSCANF.
But the commands went out great.

Well there is alot of more features. But you will have to find them out.

Currently there is only 10 commands. And they are:

By using this script/gamemode, You agree to:
Not to claim this as your own
Give me all the credits
Do not re-release without my permission

AlexzzPro - Scripting & Mapping
Etch/Aircombat - Helping me with some problems + making /kick and /ban command
Mokerr - Helping me fix the kick + ban command
LuxurioN - Creating the SaveIn Function
Skiaffo - Laser Pointer System
Lorenc_ - Register System Tutorial


To download, press the mirros below:

Comment what you think about it.

Thanks, Alex

Nice, good work!

Its Awesome


I might play this sometime with a friend when im bored, great job dude, I so wish there were those old dms with gang wars and stuff :/

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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I might play this sometime with a friend when im bored, great job dude, I so wish there were those old dms with gang wars and stuff :/
Thanks Forgot to add you to credits. But you are added now

O lol, Thanks for that


Can u xplain more about hw many teams are there ?? Names of teams all tht stuff ...

There arent any teams, All vs all

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