Is Making Money from the Internet a Waste of Time?

Hi people,By my Point of View,Making Money of the Internet can be Quiete good,You have Just got to have Good Idea's.
-Im Trying to Make Cash from the Internet.
-Making 0.15 Cents a Day,Life's a Bitch,Just Searching for Surveys,And I Bet this will Scam me at the End
-Any Suggestions of Easy Ways to Make $ $ For Paypal?
-Leave your Comments BeeeLooooW.

why not start doing some services for people. Like design websites or design images/logo's. Learn something and help people with things. I would prefer web designing. Which I am doing atm. I earn $10 per design.

I Know man,I Know how to use Photoshop,Im Getting Better everyday.
Check your Mail
Maybe you could help me ;p

if you really want to be serious (meaning, it's necessary money), you can start a business.. If you search for something less serious (meaning, not necessary, just some extras), then you can PM me =P

It's unreliable and yes, a waste of time unless you have a very very large ammount of referals. While you get barely 5$ a month, you can get it in a hour or less by getting a job, doing neighbour's chores for money..

Well it's not a waste of time if you're good at something on the computer I can tell you that. If you're that on your computer so much, look into web design and development or something along those lines of programming, once learning sed language you can sell your products online. I've made over Ј1,000.00 doing fuck all really through that method just from learning it myself and spending around 2 hours a day getting work and such.

Wow guys. I really do not know why you're talking about stuff you do not totally understand :/ Admantis, earning online is not only about referrals.

I run 2 websites (1 blog, 1 site), I have been doing it for quite a while now. I've learned it from this website (How To Create a Website) and I've learned all I need to. ****** Adsense, Amazon Associates - basically, getting a commission for products you sell. It's all free and simple.

The point is, to write about something you love and know about. About games, computers, golf, basketball, anything. As long as you know about it and are ready to learn a bit. I'm making $800+ monthly from Amazon (affiliate) and bit less from Adsense and other programs. It is not easy. But if you're willing to learn and earn, it's a piece of cake. Takes a lot of time, indeed.

Originally Posted by XtremePlanet
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Wow guys. I really do not know why you're talking about stuff you do not totally understand :/ Admantis, earning online is not only about referrals.

I run 2 websites (1 blog, 1 site), I have been doing it for quite a while now. I've learned it from this website ( and I've learned all I need to. ****** Adsense, Amazon Associates - basically, getting a commission for products you sell. It's all free and simple.

The point is, to write about something you love and know about. About games, computers, golf, basketball, anything. As long as you know about it and are ready to learn a bit. I'm making $800+ monthly from Amazon (affiliate) and bit less from Adsense and other programs. It is not easy. But if you're willing to learn and earn, it's a piece of cake. Takes a lot of time, indeed.
Indeed, but I was refering to Paid-To-Click services.

AdSense or other advertising is definitely the way to go. You do need to get some solid traffic to your website, though. ****** pays out when you reach $100 in your account.

Thanks for the Help

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