[GameMode] Call OF Duty Modern Wafare 4

I've Maded This Gamemod To Improve My Scripting Skills.I Was Making Some More Teleports And Commands But Then i Thought I Should Release It.(Yes Updates Will Come).

Login/Register: Yes This Gamemode Got Register And Login System. I've MAded My Own Login/Register System But I Downloaded A Admin System and it have It's Own Login/Register System So I Used It.(Thanks To Creator Of LAdmin :P)


Admin System: This Gamemode Got LAdmin System Which Have Alot of Commands.

Level 1
getinfo, weaps, vr, repair, ltune, lhy, lnos, lp, asay, ping, lslowmo, ltc, morning, adminarea, reports, richlist, miniguns, saveplacae, gotoplace, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin.

Level 2
giveweapon, setcolour, lockcar, unlockcar, burn, spawn, disarm, lcar, lbike, lheli, lboat, lplane, hightlight, announce, announce2, screen, jetpack, flip, goto, vgoto, lgoto, fu, warn, slap, jailed, frozen, mute, unmute, muted, laston, lspec, lspecoff, lspecvehicle, clearchat, lmenu, ltele, cm, ltmenu, write.

Level 3
sethealth, setarmour, setcash, setscore, setskin, setwanted, setname, setweather, settime, setworld, setinterior, force, eject, bankrupt, sbankrupt, ubound, lweaps, lammo, countdown, duel, car, carhealth, carcolour, setping, setgravity, destroycar, teleplayer, vget, givecar, gethere, get, kick, explode, jail, unjail, freeze, unfreeze, akill,aka, disablechat, clearallchat, caps, move, moveplayer, healall, armourall, setallskin, setallwanted, setallweather, setalltime, setallworld, setallscore, setallcash, giveallcash, giveallweapon, lweather, ltime, lweapons.

Level 4
crash, enable, disable, god, godcar, die, ban, rban, settemplevel, uconfig, botcheck, lockserver, unlockserver, forbidname, forbidword, invis, uninvis, killinvis, fakedeath, spawnall, muteall, unmuteall, getall, killall, freezeall, unfreezeall, kickall, slapalll, explodeall, disarmall, ejectall.

Level 5
god, sgod, setlevel, pickup, object, fakechat, spam

info, aka, pm, asay, ann, uconfig, chat

How To Be Admin
1. Connect to serverregister then disconnect
2. Open your newly saved file, where it says level=0 change the 0 to 5
3. Connect to the server again and you r now the highest level admin

Some Screen Shots
Air Jump

New rcon commands to use whilst off the server. Type into rcon window
"info" to view server stats.
"asay" sends a message to admins only
"pm" sends a personal message to a user
For More InFormation http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...ghlight=LAdmin (Thanks To LAdmin Creator Again)

This Gamemode Have Many Telepots
(More Teleports Comming In New Version)
Commands:This Gamemode Got A Few Commands
*Commands:Shows All The Commands
*Help:Shows The List Of Help
*Teles:Shows The List Of Teleports
*Kill:Kill's The Player
*Rules:Shows The Server Rules
*Armour: Set's The Player Armour To 100.0(You Need $4000 to Buy Armour)
*Medkit: Set's The Player Health To 100.0(You Need $300 To Buy Medkit)
*AnimsNot By Me Credits To Creator): List of All The Animations.
*Night:Set's The Player Time To Night.
*Day: Set's The Player Time to DAy.
*Stats:Shows The Player Stats.
*Sends PM To Player.
*Score System
*PM System
*Anti Spawn Kill 6 Seconds.
*Admin System(Credit's To Creator)
*Score,Deaths,Kills,Time,Money Saving System.(I Was Making My Own But LAdmin Already Got IT )
*Alot Of Animations.
*When Player Death Sends Message To All.
*When Player Join Sends Message To ALL.
*When player Leave Send's Message To All.
*Also Report System.
*Alot Of Vehicles.
*When Player Join's Show's Texdraw To Player On Screen.
*Help Bot System.
And Many More Feautures.
None Bugs Founded ATM. If You Find Any Feel Free To REport.
Got Any Suggestions Feel Free To Comment.
*Lethal For LAdmin
*(ForGot Name) For Animations.
*My Friend For Helping Me in Mapping (SFForest and SFForest 2 PM MeYour Name So i'll Add IT)
*And To Owner's Of ZCMD, DINI
*Credits To All Peoples For Reading Comenting And Downloading....
(If I'm Missing Someone Comment<<-.->>
http://pastebin.com/eEV6KqQU (Mirror By Markx)
Yes I Accept Mirrors

nice for your first gamemode


Edit: Sorry

how can i be level 6 admin in Ladmin system ??

i mean highet level admin ?? can ya explain me tht ??

Originally Posted by flashhhh
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i mean highet level admin ?? can ya explain me tht ??
Level 5

Nice im gonna test it


hell no m askin hw can i be level 5 admin in the gm ?

1. Connect to serverregister then disconnect
2. Open your newly saved file, where it says level=0 change the 0 to 5
3. Connect to the server again and you r now the highest level admin

Thanks To ALL ^^

or just rcon login and setadmin yourself.

This is The Way To Be Admin
1. Connect to serverregister then disconnect
2. Open your newly saved file, where it says level=0 change the 0 to 5
3. Connect to the server again and you r now the highest level admin

Here is a test server

I like it better then GF's 8/10

Nice Gm Roomeo

Roomeo, I have ladmin and I can as RCON just make myself admin with /setlevel
And I prefer setting maxlevel to 6
However: Does this gamemode have the storyline? I was/am (I shouldn't do more projects at once :P) making also a COD MW (MW 1 , so COD 4) with the storyline (less good maps but the same idea, except the nuke and probably some other missions).
I've done so far the intro, where you gotta learn (not the real course and real map, but just some test shooting ranges etc) and that cargoship mission (the ship only + a NPC with the posibility to rope down )
So I repeat my question once more: Does this script have the storyline from COD MW?
I know that I can just take a look in the script, but I gotta work now. And ehm, the gamemode seems nice

Your question is Why is it NAme COD 4? lol
Because this is DeathMatch Server... Like COD.
^Thanks To All Again^ Still Learning Pawno.

COD4 ? it looks a bit like black ops with those numbers/stuff

Originally Posted by Roomeo
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Your question is Why is it NAme COD 4? lol
Because this is DeathMatch Server... Like COD.
^Thanks To All Again^ Still Learning Pawno.
I actually asked if the gamemode has a storyline, but since you said it's a deatmatch server (GAMEMODE!), I guess it ain't.


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