String won't save -.-"

Your strset function was a fail

and use strcat instead of format because format is quite slow in normal string manipulation

pawn Код:
InteriorInfo[i][IntName][0] = EOS;
strcat(InteriorInfo[i][IntName], dj(str, "Name"));

Messages In This Thread
String won't save -.-" [SOLVED] - by Kwarde - 14.03.2011, 19:13
Re: String won't save -.-" - by Sasino97 - 14.03.2011, 19:55
AW: String won't save -.-" [SOLVED] - by Nero_3D - 14.03.2011, 19:56
Re: String won't save -.-" - by Kwarde - 14.03.2011, 20:04

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