The best Roleplay gamemode?

I have been looking for good Roleplays but I always find GF or GF edits. Raven's Roleplay isn't the best in my opinion.
Do you guys know of any unknown "good" RP gamemodes? I want to disect and edit a good RP, but they all suck! (Well they don't suck but I just don't like GF)

If you dont like GF or Ravens maybe make your own, pretty much most out there are GF edits even if they say they aren't.

You can never tell if someone is being a wiseguy on computers that's what I hate.
But I was trying to avoid that because
A. My scripting lvl is only a 5/10
B. I don't have time to make my own

You better check GameModes Section..and btw Raven's is fail now..@Koomike check this

I tried that one long ago. Forgot about it. I'll try it now. Thx

Yeah most people dont have too much time to create their own or not experienced... I would say group up with a couple of people, and make a decent server and keep working on it overtime and get suggestions from players if you do make it into a server.

Eh every free gamemode has so many flaws. Godfather has many glitches and few jobs, Raven's just doesn't have shit, and LSLRP has hardly any houses and the jobs are broken. I guess you're right. Making my own would be the best way to satisfy my needs.

You can always buy one if you wish.

^^ what he said, but that would not satisfy what YOU want. Making your own is the best way to go, But truthfully i would go for something better than RP, like FreeRoam with RP stuff etc.

I wouldn't use Raven's roleplay. We had alot of bugs with it, I'll give you some:

* It banned and kicked people for nothing
* Alot laggs (which we didn't had before)
* Sometimes, the server'd just crash (which we didn't had before neither)
* /buyprods and /rentbike (pretty important functions) didn't work (SERVER: Unknown command.), and I couldn't see in the script btw what was wrong.

And so can I continue for a while. But just go and try gamemodes. Try for example Calg00ne's gamemode. "Vortex Roleplay" I guess it is.

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