CNPC - wanna hear an official statement

A few days ago a small group of people of this forum finished their work to update Alex009s Controllable NPC plugin to work with 0.3c. AFAIK Alex009 had Kalcors permission to release the memory hacking plugin.

Now I see both topics, the original one by Alex009 and the topic for the updated version were deleted, and this just confuses me. Can you guys finally decide wether you allow this plugin or not? If you allowed it for 0.3b, why shouldn't you for 0.3c?
I cant understand most actions of the forum team.

I know there was something with NPC using/not using player slots. It would be poor if this were the reason for banning the plugin from the forum, as this is a fixable problem that just had to be discussed with the samp team (someone from the cnpc update group contacted Kalcor because of this, but I dont know how it ended)

So all i want now is an official statement about the CNPC plugin. I just want to know what we (server owners, plugin developers) are allowed to do, and what we get banned for.

I informed Alex that the CNPC plugin could be released on the SA-MP forum providing it wasn't used to abuse the server list with fake players. The person who was updating it for 0.3c added functions to create fake players - which is against the service agreement. After doing some research on the guy who was updating CNPC, I don't think adding the fake players was a careless error - it was very intentional and designed to cause harm to SA-MP.

I'd just like to add that we have means to determine if a server is faking their player count and any servers found with fake players are blocked from listing on our server lists.

So how about fully including/rebuilding this into SA:MP so that we scripters/players have got full control on NPC's? I think ALL of the scripters out there would love it, if it was in SA:MP by default.

I understand your point with faked players, but the work they did is pretty awesome ...
So please give it a try or add it yourself, the players want to have full control

This shouldn't even be a plugin. It should be part of SA:MP by default.

Waht i know, it is still best solution for using in such of a number npc in samp, so deleting all what is relevant to it, is bad step.
Anyway..if there is going just about new fake players function. I can offer a old original cnpc v 2.7 for version 3b, just with changed address(nothing moore) so..can works for windows version of samp3c

To bad its gone I loved that plugin and I used it since 0.3a. But are we still allowed to use the plugin without the fake players thing?

Originally Posted by Fj0rtizFredde
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To bad its gone I loved that plugin and I used it since 0.3a. But are we still allowed to use the plugin without the fake players thing?
I guess so
why shouldn't it?
he said:
"I'd just like to add that we have means to determine if a server is faking their player count and any servers found with fake players are blocked from listing on our server lists."

meaning that he'd ban only those servers from serverlist which use it to fake their playercount
not saying he wouldn't ban server which just use it though
I don'T think they would

i still have the plugin but i dont think i can get support for it now.
but like meta and sergei said: "This should be included in sa-mp"
meaby an idea for a minor 0.3c update/ 0.3d release.
i always liked the idea of killing npc's or making some special movment options for it instaid of a path.
because a path is not usable with coцrdinats

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