20.02.2011, 00:41
Последний раз редактировалось iToast; 20.02.2011 в 01:23.
#include <a_samp> #include <colors> #undef MAX_PLAYERS #define MAX_PLAYERS 20 #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if (!strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == '\0') && (dcmd_%1(playerid, ""))) || (((%3)[(%2) + 1] == ' ') && (dcmd_%1(playerid, (%3)[(%2) + 2]))))) return 1 new El[MAX_PLAYERS]; new bool:Elespawned[MAX_PLAYERS]; new speed = 10; strtok(const string[], &index) { new length = strlen(string); while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' ')) { index++; } new offset = index; new result[20]; while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1))) { result[index - offset] = string[index]; index++; } result[index - offset] = EOS; return result; } public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("Elevators by iToast"); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { for(new i=0; i< MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(Elespawned[i]) { DestroyObject(El[i]); Elespawned[i] = false; } } return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { if(Elespawned[playerid]) { DestroyObject(El[playerid]); Elespawned[playerid] = false; } return 1; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { if(Elespawned[playerid]) { DestroyObject(El[playerid]); Elespawned[playerid] = false; } return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { dcmd(mel, 3, cmdtext); dcmd(rele, 4, cmdtext); dcmd(el, 2, cmdtext); return false; } dcmd_mel(playerid, params[]) { if(Elespawned[playerid]) { if(strlen(params) > 0) { new tmp1[256], idx, tmp2[256], tmp3[256]; tmp1 = strtok(params, idx); tmp2 = strtok(params, idx); tmp3 = strtok(params, idx); new Float:x=floatstr(tmp1), Float:y=floatstr(tmp2), Float:z=floatstr(tmp3); MoveObject(El[playerid], x, y, z, speed); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Elevator moving..."); }else{ SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Useage: /mel x y z"); } }else{ SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You must first make a elevator with /el!"); } return 1; } dcmd_rele(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params if(Elespawned[playerid]) { DestroyObject(El[playerid]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Elevator destroyed!"); Elespawned[playerid] = false; }else{ SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You must first make a elevator with /el!"); } return 1; } dcmd_el(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params if(!Elespawned[playerid]) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); El[playerid] = CreateObject(18755, x, y, z+2, 0.0, 0.0, 96.0); SetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z+2); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Enjoy your elevator!"); Elespawned[playerid] = true; }else{ SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You already have a elevator, destroy it with /rele!"); } return 1; }
#define COLOR_GREY 0xAFAFAFAA #define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #define COLOR_BLUE 0x0000BBAA #define COLOR_LIGHTBLUE 0x33CCFFAA #define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFF9900AA #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define COLOR_LIME 0x10F441AA #define COLOR_MAGENTA 0xFF00FFFF #define COLOR_NAVY 0x000080AA #define COLOR_AQUA 0xF0F8FFAA #define COLOR_CRIMSON 0xDC143CAA #define COLOR_FLBLUE 0x6495EDAA #define COLOR_BISQUE 0xFFE4C4AA #define COLOR_BLACK 0x000000AA #define COLOR_CHARTREUSE 0x7FFF00AA #define COLOR_BROWN 0XA52A2AAA #define COLOR_CORAL 0xFF7F50AA #define COLOR_GOLD 0xB8860BAA #define COLOR_INDIGO 0x4B00B0AA #define COLOR_LAWNGREEN 0x7CFC00AA #define COLOR_SEAGREEN 0x20B2AAAA #define COLOR_LIMEGREEN 0x32CD32AA //<--- Dark lime #define COLOR_MIDNIGHTBLUE 0X191970AA #define COLOR_MAROON 0x800000AA #define COLOR_OLIVE 0x808000AA #define COLOR_ORANGERED 0xFF4500AA #define COLOR_PINK 0xFFC0CBAA // - Light light pink //#define COLOR_SEAGREEN 0x2E8B57AA #define COLOR_SPRINGGREEN 0x00FF7FAA #define COLOR_TOMATO 0xFF6347AA // - Tomato >:/ sounds wrong lol... well... :P #define COLOR_YELLOWGREEN 0x9ACD32AA //- like military green #define COLOR_MEDIUMAQUA 0x83BFBFAA #define COLOR_MEDIUMMAGENTA 0x8B008BAA // dark magenta ^^ #define COLOR_GRAD1 0xB4B5B7FF #define COLOR_GRAD2 0xBFC0C2FF #define COLOR_GRAD3 0xCBCCCEFF #define COLOR_GRAD4 0xD8D8D8FF #define COLOR_GRAD5 0xE3E3E3FF #define COLOR_GRAD6 0xF0F0F0FF #define COLOR_GREY 0xAFAFAFAA #define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #define COLOR_FADE1 0xE6E6E6E6 #define COLOR_FADE2 0xC8C8C8C8 #define COLOR_FADE3 0xAAAAAAAA #define COLOR_FADE4 0x8C8C8C8C #define COLOR_FADE5 0x6E6E6E6E #define COLOR_DBLUE 0x2641FEAA #define COLOR_ALLDEPT 0xFF8282AA #define OBJECTIVE_COLOR 0x64000064 #define TEAM_GREEN_COLOR 0xFFFFFFAA #define TEAM_BLUE_COLOR 0x8D8DFFAA #define COLOR_ADD 0x63FF60AA #define TEAM_CYAN_COLOR 0xFF8282AA #define TEAM_ORANGE_COLOR 0xFF8300C8 #define TEAM_ORANGE1_COLOR 0xFF830099 #define TEAM_ORANGE2_COLOR 0xFF830088 #define TEAM_ORANGE3_COLOR 0xFF830077 #define TEAM_ORANGE4_COLOR 0xFF830066 #define TEAM_ORANGE5_COLOR 0xFF830055 #define TEAM_ORANGE6_COLOR 0xFF830044 #define TEAM_ORANGE7_COLOR 0xFF830033 #define TEAM_ORANGE8_COLOR 0xFF830022 #define TEAM_ORANGE9_COLOR 0xFF830011 #define TEAM_ORANGE10_COLOR 0xFF830000 #define TEAM_BALLAS_COLOR 0xD900D3C8 #define TEAM_BALLAS1_COLOR 0xD900D399 #define TEAM_BALLAS2_COLOR 0xD900D388 #define TEAM_BALLAS3_COLOR 0xD900D377 #define TEAM_BALLAS4_COLOR 0xD900D366 #define TEAM_BALLAS5_COLOR 0xD900D355 #define TEAM_BALLAS6_COLOR 0xD900D344 #define TEAM_BALLAS7_COLOR 0xD900D333 #define TEAM_BALLAS8_COLOR 0xD900D322 #define TEAM_BALLAS9_COLOR 0xD900D311 #define TEAM_BALLAS10_COLOR 0xD900D300 #define TEAM_GROVE_COLOR 0x00D900C8 #define TEAM_GROVE1_COLOR 0x00D90099 #define TEAM_GROVE2_COLOR 0x00D90088 #define TEAM_GROVE3_COLOR 0x00D90077 #define TEAM_GROVE4_COLOR 0x00D90066 #define TEAM_GROVE5_COLOR 0x00D90055 #define TEAM_GROVE6_COLOR 0x00D90044 #define TEAM_GROVE7_COLOR 0x00D90033 #define TEAM_GROVE8_COLOR 0x00D90022 #define TEAM_GROVE9_COLOR 0x00D90011 #define TEAM_GROVE10_COLOR 0x00D90000 #define TEAM_VAGOS_COLOR 0xFFC801C8 #define TEAM_VAGOS1_COLOR 0xFFC80199 #define TEAM_VAGOS2_COLOR 0xFFC80188 #define TEAM_VAGOS3_COLOR 0xFFC80177 #define TEAM_VAGOS4_COLOR 0xFFC80166 #define TEAM_VAGOS5_COLOR 0xFFC80155 #define TEAM_VAGOS6_COLOR 0xFFC80144 #define TEAM_VAGOS7_COLOR 0xFFC80133 #define TEAM_VAGOS8_COLOR 0xFFC80122 #define TEAM_VAGOS9_COLOR 0xFFC80111 #define TEAM_VAGOS10_COLOR 0xFFC80100 #define TEAM_AZTECAS_COLOR 0x01FCFFC8 #define TEAM_AZTECAS1_COLOR 0x01FCFF99 #define TEAM_AZTECAS2_COLOR 0x01FCFF88 #define TEAM_AZTECAS3_COLOR 0x01FCFF77 #define TEAM_AZTECAS4_COLOR 0x01FCFF66 #define TEAM_AZTECAS5_COLOR 0x01FCFF55 #define TEAM_AZTECAS6_COLOR 0x01FCFF44 #define TEAM_AZTECAS7_COLOR 0x01FCFF33 #define TEAM_AZTECAS8_COLOR 0x01FCFF22 #define TEAM_AZTECAS9_COLOR 0x01FCFF11 #define TEAM_AZTECAS10_COLOR 0x01FCFF00 #define TEAM_NANG_COLOR 0xBDCB92C8 #define TEAM_NANG1_COLOR 0xBDCB9299 #define TEAM_NANG2_COLOR 0xBDCB9288 #define TEAM_NANG3_COLOR 0xBDCB9277 #define TEAM_NANG4_COLOR 0xBDCB9266 #define TEAM_NANG5_COLOR 0xBDCB9255 #define TEAM_NANG6_COLOR 0xBDCB9244 #define TEAM_NANG7_COLOR 0xBDCB9233 #define TEAM_NANG8_COLOR 0xBDCB9222 #define TEAM_NANG9_COLOR 0xBDCB9211 #define TEAM_NANG10_COLOR 0xBDCB9200 #define TEAM_RIFA_COLOR 0x000000C8 #define TEAM_RIFA1_COLOR 0x00000099 #define TEAM_RIFA2_COLOR 0x00000088 #define TEAM_RIFA3_COLOR 0x00000077 #define TEAM_RIFA4_COLOR 0x00000066 #define TEAM_RIFA5_COLOR 0x00000055 #define TEAM_RIFA6_COLOR 0x00000044 #define TEAM_RIFA7_COLOR 0x00000033 #define TEAM_RIFA8_COLOR 0x00000044 #define TEAM_RIFA9_COLOR 0x00000055 #define TEAM_RIFA10_COLOR 0x00000066 #define TEAM_MAFIA_COLOR 0x9A9999C8 #define TEAM_MAFIA1_COLOR 0x9A999999 #define TEAM_MAFIA2_COLOR 0x9A999988 #define TEAM_MAFIA3_COLOR 0x9A999977 #define TEAM_MAFIA4_COLOR 0x9A999966 #define TEAM_MAFIA5_COLOR 0x9A999955 #define TEAM_MAFIA6_COLOR 0x9A999944 #define TEAM_MAFIA7_COLOR 0x9A999933 #define TEAM_MAFIA8_COLOR 0x9A999922 #define TEAM_MAFIA9_COLOR 0x9A999911 #define TEAM_MAFIA10_COLOR 0x9A999900 #define TEAM_RMAFIA_COLOR 0x916600C8 #define TEAM_RMAFIA1_COLOR 0x91660099 #define TEAM_RMAFIA2_COLOR 0x91660088 #define TEAM_RMAFIA3_COLOR 0x91660077 #define TEAM_RMAFIA4_COLOR 0x91660066 #define TEAM_RMAFIA5_COLOR 0x91660055 #define TEAM_RMAFIA6_COLOR 0x91660044 #define TEAM_RMAFIA7_COLOR 0x91660033 #define TEAM_RMAFIA8_COLOR 0x91660022 #define TEAM_RMAFIA9_COLOR 0x91660011 #define TEAM_RMAFIA10_COLOR 0x91660000 #define TEAM_TRIADS_COLOR 0x587B95C8 #define TEAM_TRIADS1_COLOR 0x587B9599 #define TEAM_TRIADS2_COLOR 0x587B9588 #define TEAM_TRIADS3_COLOR 0x587B9577 #define TEAM_TRIADS4_COLOR 0x587B9566 #define TEAM_TRIADS5_COLOR 0x587B9555 #define TEAM_TRIADS6_COLOR 0x587B9544 #define TEAM_TRIADS7_COLOR 0x587B9533 #define TEAM_TRIADS8_COLOR 0x587B9522 #define TEAM_TRIADS9_COLOR 0x587B9511 #define TEAM_TRIADS10_COLOR 0x587B9500 #define TEAM_BIKERS_COLOR 0xA49A00C8 #define TEAM_BIKERS1_COLOR 0xA49A0099 #define TEAM_BIKERS2_COLOR 0xA49A0088 #define TEAM_BIKERS3_COLOR 0xA49A0077 #define TEAM_BIKERS4_COLOR 0xA49A0066 #define TEAM_BIKERS5_COLOR 0xA49A0055 #define TEAM_BIKERS6_COLOR 0xA49A0044 #define TEAM_BIKERS7_COLOR 0xA49A0033 #define TEAM_BIKERS8_COLOR 0xA49A0022 #define TEAM_BIKERS9_COLOR 0xA49A0011 #define TEAM_BIKERS10_COLOR 0xA49A0000 #define COLOR_INVIS 0xAFAFAF00 #define COLOR_SPEC 0xBFC0C200 #define COLOR_ADMIN_PW 0x99CCFFAA #define COLOR_ADMIN_CMD 0xCC6666AA #define COLOR_ADMIN_PM 0x6699CCAA #define COLOUR_PERSONAL 0x8080FFAA #define COLOUR_IMPORTANT 0xFF0000AA #define COLOUR_GLOBAL 0xD0D0FFAA #define COLOUR_BROADCAST 0x0066CCAA #define COLOR_SYSTEM 0xEFEFF7AA #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFF9900AA #define COLOR_IVORY 0xFFFF82FF #define COLOR_PURPLE 0x800080FF #define COLOR_LIGHTGREEN 0x00FF7FFF #define COLOR_VIOLET 0xEE82EEFF #define COLOR_SILVER 0xC0C0C0FF #define COLOR_FIREBRICK 0xB22222FF #define COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW 0xFAFA02FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA 0xFF00FFFF #define COLOR_BRIGHTGREEN 0x7CFC00FF #define COLOR_DARKBLUE 0x000080AFF #define COLOR_VIOLETRED 0xDB7093FF #define COLOR_GREENYELLOW 0xADFF2FFF #define COLOR_THISTLE 0xD8BFD8FF #define COLOR_TURQUISE 0x48D1CCFF #define COLOR_STEELBLUE 0xB0C4DEFF #define COLOR_PLAYER_LIGHTBLUE 0x9292FFDD #define COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE 0x0000FFDD #define COLOR_PLAYER_DARKBLUE 0x000096DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_SPECIALBLUE 0x4169FFDD #define COLOR_PLAYER_LIGHTRED 0xFFB0B0DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_RED 0xFF0000DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_DARKRED 0xA10000DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_SPECIALRED 0xB22222DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_LIGHTGREEN 0x92FF92DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_GREEN 0x00FF00DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_DARKGREEN 0x009600DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_SPECIALGREEN 0x7ACA7ADD #define COLOR_PLAYER_LIGHTYELLOW 0xFFFF5EDD #define COLOR_PLAYER_YELLOW 0xFFFF00DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_DARKYELLOW 0xD3D300DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_SPECIALYELLOW 0xCFAE00DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_LIGHTPURPLE 0xFF92FFDD #define COLOR_PLAYER_PURPLE 0xFF00FFDD #define COLOR_PLAYER_DARKPURPLE 0x800080DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_SPECIALPURPLE 0xDA70D6DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_LIGHTBROWN 0xBA9072DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_BROWN 0x8B4513DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_DARKBROWN 0x6D360EDD #define COLOR_PLAYER_LIGHTGREY 0xC7C7C7DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_GREY 0x8B8B8BDD #define COLOR_PLAYER_DARKGREY 0x656565DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_WHITE 0xFFFFFFDD #define COLOR_PLAYER_BLACK 0x000000DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_AQUAMARINE 0x7FFFD4DD #define COLOR_PLAYER_CYAN 0x00FFFFDD #define COLOR_GM_REG 0xFFFFFFAA // WHITE (FFFFFF) normal chat to everyone (registered users) #define COLOR_GM_UNREG 0xFF9999AA // LIGHT RED(FF9999) normal chat to everyone (unregistered users) #define COLOR_GM_ADMIN 0xFFCC66AA // LIGHT ORANGE (FFCC66) normal chat to everyone (admins) #define COLOR_IRC 0x66CCFFAA // LIGHT BLUE (66CCFF) irc messages (/me /query (!) /slap) #define COLOR_ADMINCHAT 0xFF9933AA // BRIGHT ORANGE (FF9933) admin only chat (@) #define COLOR_SYSTEM_PM 0x66CC00AA // LIGHT GREEN (66CC00) system generated personal message (logged in, progress saved, function disabled) #define COLOR_SYSTEM_GM 0xFF9966AA // LIGHT ORANGE-RED (FF9966) system generated general message ("x just bought the four dragons!") #define COLOR_SYSTEM_PW 0xFFFF33AA // YELLOW (FFFF33) system personal warning ("you must be in a bank") #define COLOR_SYSTEM_GW 0xCCCCCCAA // GRAY (CCCCCC) system general warning ("x used a money cheat") #define COLOR_MONEY_INC 0x00CC66AA // GREEN (00CC66) money increase related system message ("you earned x money") #define COLOR_MONEY_DEC 0xFF6600AA // RED (FF6600) money decrease related system message ("your property has been bought out") #define COLOR_MENU 0xFFFFFFAA // WHITE (FFFFFF) menu's (/help) #define COLOR_CMD 0xFFFFFFAA // WHITE (FFFFFF)commands (Usage: ...) #define COLOR_ADMIN_CMD 0xCC6666AA // RED BROWN (CC6666) admin commands (Usage: ...) #define COLOR_ADMIN_PM 0x6699CCAA // GREEN BLUE (6699CC) admin personal message (your money has been set to X) #define COLOR_ADMIN_PW 0x99CCFFAA // BLUE (99CCFF) admin personal warning (x is not an active player) #define COLOR_ADMIN_GM 0xFF6633AA // LIGHT RED (FF6633) admin general message (was jailed by admin x) #define COLOR_STATS 0xCCCCFFAA // LIGHT PURPLE (CCCCFF) stats (/stat /totalstat) #define COLOR_MESSAGE 0xFFCCFFAA // PURPLE (FFCCFF) Message system (anticheat, blog address) #define COLOR_RULES 0xDC143CAA // RED #define COLOR_ADMIN_TOALL 0x00FFFFAA// CYAN #define COLOR_GROUPTALK 0x87CEEBAA // SKYBLUE #define COLOR_ADMIN_REPORT 0xFF69B4AA // HOTPINK #define COLOR_ADMIN_SPYREPORT 0xB0E0E6AA //POWDERBLUE #define COLOR_ADMIN 0xFF8200FF #define COLOR_CARDIVE 0xEE82EEAA //VIOLET #define COLOR_BLACK_PD 0x000000FF #define COLOR_WHITE_PD 0xFFFFFFFF #define COLOR_DISARMING 0xEE82EEBB
/el = Create elevator
/mel x y z = Move the elevator you made to the xyz co-ords
/rele = remove elevator...
Ps, you will have to change
The update adds the speed controll!