[FilterScript] [FS]License & Speedo & Names display system version 0.2 A !!! HUGE UPADTE

«« License & Speedometer & Names display

«« What is it?

Simple as said, License system, speedometer and cars names display
  • Commands:
    • /Lic(ense) [Give / Take / Suspend / Renew / Status] [PlayerID]
      • /(Un)SetIns [PlayerID] used for RCON Admins to set instructors
        Saving system
        • The license being saved in each file per player in a folder called "LicenseFolder"
        There will be setted:
        • If a player has license
        • If player's license are suspended
        • LAST instructor who gave him license
        • LAST instructor who took his license
        • LAST instructor who suspended his license
        Speedometer && Car names display
        • Once you enter a car, it prints the car name with game text colored green
        • Also, it enables a speedometer with MPH + KPH colored red and green
        «« How to install:
        • Extract the rar into your server folder, and read the 'read me' file
        • I mean, READ IT, every bug you could have report about, is told there how to prevent
        «« Download:
        • FTP Server: Click me - Version 0.1 A
        • FTP Server: Click me - Version 0.1 B
        • FTP Server: Click me - Version 0.1 C (Made by request of Rkss)
        • FTP Server: Click me - Version 0.1 D (Made by request of Rkss)
        • FTP Server: Click me - Version 0.2 A (Made by suggestion)
        • FTP Server: Click me - Version 0.2 B (Made by suggestion)

        === 0.1 Version ===

        Version 0.1 A:
        While trying to enter a car with invalid / suspended licesnse, you will get removed automatclly.

        Version 0.1 B:
        While trying to enter a car with invalid / suspended licesnse, you will not get removed, but get a wanted level.

        Version 0.1 C: (Made by request of Rkss)
        License system only, while trying to get a car with suspended / invalid licesnse, you get removed.

        Version 0.1 D: (Made by request of Rkss)
        License system only, while trying to get a car with suspended / invalid license, you will get wanted level and not removed

        === 0.2 A Version ===

        HUGE UPDATE From 0.1 to 0.2

        Last version: 500 lines only, New version >>> « 1000 LINES » <<<

        This contains all last 0.1 a-d version in one big version!!! Whats the point? YOU CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT
        With a simple command made for RCON admins (can be changed easly to your admin system)
        You can config every thing you want, from allowing speedo or disabling it. Allowing names display or disable it,
        you can choose kick a play from a car If he has suspended / doesnt has licesne at all,
        or not kicking him, just setting his wanted level. You can choose BOTH !!!, and all that is made by a simple friendly menu.
        Beside that, you can also change the configurations in a file. As first as you install the FS, its setted to:

        AutoRemove = TRUE
        SetLevel = FALSE
        Speedo = TRUE
        Names = TRUE

        NOTE: Speedo and Names will work for those who has license ONLY, WHY?
        This is a role play add script, in real life why we do tests? to learn
        He hasnt did the test for license, he doesnt know how to full use vehicle.

        NOTE: If you disable auto remove + set level, it will ignore the license.
        Which means every one can enter any vehicle.

        === 0.2 B Version ===

        Update from 0.2 'A' to 'B'


        Pickup which is located beside the door in the DMV located in SF (San Fierro).
        When getting in the pickup, it wont dissapear, but it will check wether you have license or not.
        If you DO have, nothing will happen, else, you will get 'freezed' and will be able to type:
        • /BuyLic to buy a license
        • /Abort to abort the action
        Have fun using it!

Very nice man, but got a suggestion, can't you make like, that if i enter a car and got no license, it will give wanted level !?


Very good work

Thanks for the positive comments guys :>

About the wanted, well.
I can make an other version of this with wanted..

New version, v0.1b:

Downlaod the link through the main post.

Version A:
Will get removed from the vehicle with invalid / suspended license

Version B:
Will not get removed from the vehicle although the invalid / suspended license, instead of it, you will get a wanted level

It's very nice
Thanks you.

New version:
Version 0.1 C (Made by request of Rkss)
Version 0.1 D (Made by request of Rkss)

Downlaod the link through the main post.


Version 0.1 C:
License system only, while trying to get a car with suspended / invalid licesnse, you get removed.

Version 0.1 D:
License system only, while trying to get a car with suspended / invalid license, you will get wanted level and not removed.

very good work men keep doing stuff like this

eldiablo1337, why don't you make kind of config that you can select what the user wants enabled. (Like speedo on/off, license on/off, names on/off, etc)

=== 0.2 Version ===

HUGE UPDATE From 0.1 to 0.2

Last version: 500 lines only, New version >>> « 1000 LINES » <<<

This contains all last 0.1 a-d version in one big version!!! Whats the point? YOU CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT
With a simple command made for RCON admins (can be changed easly to your admin system)
You can config every thing you want, from allowing speedo or disabling it. Allowing names display or disable it,
you can choose kick a play from a car If he has suspended / doesnt has licesne at all,
or not kicking him, just setting his wanted level. You can choose BOTH !!!, and all that is made by a simple friendly menu.
Beside that, you can also change the configurations in a file. As first as you install the FS, its setted to:

AutoRemove = TRUE
SetLevel = FALSE
Speedo = TRUE
Names = TRUE

NOTE: Speedo and Names will work for those who has license ONLY, WHY?
This is a role play add script, in real life why we do tests? to learn
He hasnt did the test for license, he doesnt know how to full use vehicle.

NOTE: If you disable auto remove + set level, it will ignore the license.
Which means every one can enter any vehicle.

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