Problem with gstylez SQL?

This code used to work before I switched to G-sTyLezZz SQL plugin.

Any idea what's wrong?

pawn Код:
stock InitPlayerConnection(playerid)

    new Query[128], Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], EscapedName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], resultline[64];// field[3][3];

    GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));

    mysql_real_escape_string(Name, EscapedName);

    format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT `SQLid` FROM `accounts` WHERE `username` = '%s'", EscapedName);

    if( mysql_num_rows() >= 1 )

The code looks logically correct. What isn't working?

Well, under the opening bracket at the end of the code above, is the login dialog, and load's players variables. The problem is that, there is an else statement with a "register" dialog (if no rows exist(?)) that comes up, instead of the login dialog.

I suggest you make your EscapedName variable a little larger to fit any possible number of escape characters.

Check your mysql_connect() for correct parameter order ( its slightly different to strickenkids )

turn on mysql debugging ( mysql_debug(1); )

This should help you to find the problem.

Wow, I feel like a complete idiot. The problem was the order of mysql_connect(), thanks, Rachael.

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