[BUG]Exception At Address: 0x004A4B44 ?

SA-MP Server: 0.3c

Exception At Address: 0x004A4B44


EAX: 0x00000000	EBX: 0x00000400	ECX: 0x00000100	EDX: 0x7EFEFEFF

ESI: 0x00000000	EDI: 0x00E0ECB0	EBP: 0x00000001	ESP: 0x0012EFB8

EFLAGS: 0x00010206


+0000: 0x01050020   0x00E0EC80   0x00E0ECB0   0x0047CFFB

+0010: 0x00E0ECB0   0x00000000   0x00000400   0x00D80538

+0020: 0x00000000   0x0012F010   0x00DC9ED4   0x00000001

+0030: 0x0048837E   0x40E00000   0x43D80000   0x00000000

+0040: 0x00D80538   0x00D80538   0x00D825EC   0x01050020

+0050: 0x00000000   0x00DB7498   0x00D8D550   0x00401096

+0060: 0x00D80538   0x00DC9ED4   0x00DA0848   0x00402BB3

+0070: 0x00D80538   0x0000004A   0x0012F048   0x00DC9ED4

+0080: 0x00D4A9B8   0x00D80538   0x00000001   0x0012F478

+0090: 0x0000203C   0x0000203C   0x0002968C   0x00029924

+00A0: 0x00025928   0x000296A4   0x00025928   0x00D825EC

+00B0: 0x00DA0848   0x00000000   0x00D816C0   0x0001E25C

+00C0: 0x00482970   0x00D80538   0x0012F094   0x00000008

+00D0: 0x00D80538   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+00E0: 0x00000008   0x0047C9F9   0x00000000   0x220105DB

+00F0: 0x00D4A9B8   0x2201A8C0   0x0012F828   0x00D4A907

+0100: 0x00000000   0x2201A8C0   0x000005DB   0x00000078

+0110: 0x00000800   0x00000000   0x0012F0D5   0x00000001

+0120: 0x00000000   0x73615907   0x656E6973   0x00000038

+0130: 0x00000000   0x00A00000   0x0012EEE8   0x00000000
Can anyone help me?

When are you getting it

I don't know exactly, just I modify a line and NO errors

b) Do not bump
Some people apparently think they are important enough to bump their own topic after 10 minutes.
You can bump topics when the last reply is at least 48 hours old, and it needs to have useful information about your problem.

Yes sure I'm sorry
So have you got an answer for my BUG ? Please

You got a bug in your OnPlayerConnect. Check for invalid array indexes (indexes must not be lower than 0 or bigger than the size of the array) and wrong formats (number of % have to match the number of parameters). Other things that can crash the server are creating TextDraws with empty strings or wrong file usage.
If you cant find any of these problems, post the function here if you want.

comment out parts of the code at a time to see what crashes

Thanks I've found it

I didn't know that i can't make empty TD's before

When you get this kind of error you have to think "What's the last thing I did to my GM?", and check that thing.

I had a lot of this kind of errors, and they 're very easy to fix :]

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