Some problems.

Hi! i have a problem at trucker job.When i enter in a trucker and i type /buyprods , it don't fill my truck with prods.And show me this :Products 0/0.
And I want to make a less money at payday.Now at level 1 a player got 1-2k payday, and i want to make at level 1 to get 100$ payday.
And this commands /gmx and /endround broke my car. For example: before /gmx when i enter in an ambulance say me: You are not medic. Afer /gmx when i enter in same sambulance say :You are not member Corleone.
Can Help me please?

I believe products have to be given to a business or something. Anyway, this isn't the right section, post this here: or in the gamemode that your using's thread.

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