

Take a look at this. It's the best streamer I know, and it has unlimited object limit. I prefer that you use that, because it also have the install instructions.

Good luck.

The first step is finding the streamer that would suit your needs. I suggest Incognito's Streamer Plugin. It supports multiple things (objects, pickups, checkpoints, etc) and has many good reviews. Look in the plugin's board for it.

As far as installation, it varies from streamer to streamer. Just look in the script's topic and there should be step-by-step notes on how to install it. If not, you can try PMing the creator.


If you're gonna convert maps (MTA Map Editor or something like that), go to -> Change "IPL File format" to "****** Script Includes Object Streamer".
If you add "CreateObject" on the text box, and if you used "****** Script Includes Object Streamer" it'll also change to the streamer object defines

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