Dialog gives no response

I created a dialog but whenever I try to do something for "if(response)" it doesn't work, it seems as if the response does nothing, this is the same for if(response == 0), which isn't working either. This is the same for every dialog type, whether it be a list/input or a msgbox.

I am not a scripting newbie so I known 100% sure my code is correctly written, has anyone else encountered this problem where there response buttons don't react?


My /report command (of which the dialog doesn't respond)

pawn Код:
    if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "noreport")) return DenyMsgS(playerid,"ERROR: You must wait to use /report again!");
    if(AdminLvl(playerid)) return DenyMsgS(playerid,"You are an admin! you cant report other players!");
    if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "muted")) return DenyMsgS(playerid,"**[Pluto AC]: You are muted and cannot talk!");
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REPORT_ID, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Report a player", "Please enter the ID of the player you'd like to report", "OK", "CANCEL");
    return 1;
defines for my dialogs:
pawn Код:
#define DIALOG_LOGIN            20000
#define DIALOG_REGISTER         20500
#define DIALOG_SPAWN            20600
#define DIALOGIDNOOP            999
#define TIME_DIALOG             1000
#define WEATHER_DIALOG          1001
#define SKYDIVE_DIALOG          1002
#define GMX_DIALOG              1003
#define ADMIN_WEAPONS_COMBAT    1004
#define ADMIN_WEAPONS_LIGHT     1005
#define ADMIN_WEAPONS_HEAVY     1006
#define ADMIN_WEAPONS           1007
#define BOOSTLVLMENU            1008
#define DIALOG_DCARD            1021
#define DIALOG_DESERTINFO       1022
#define DIALOG_DESERTPERK       1023
#define DIALOG_DESERTGPS        1024
#define LMS_WEAPONS             1025
#define LMS_CHOOSEZONE          1026
#define LMS_HELP                1027
#define LMS_HELP_ADMINS         1028
#define LMS_STAKE               1029
#define DIALOG_POSINFO          1030
#define DIALOG_VIP              1200
#define DIALOG_UNLOCKED         1202
#define DIALOG_HELP             1203
#define DIALOG_HELP_SUB         1204
#define DIALOG_LOG              1205
#define DIALOG_NEON             1206
#define DIALOG_INTERIORS        1207

//Everything from here on has no response
#define DIALOG_VEHCONTROL       1240
#define DIALOG_REPORT_ID        1241
#define DIALOG_REPORT_REASON    1242
#define DIALOG_GANGDM           1244
#define DIALOG_RESETVARS        1245
#define DIALOG_DWWEAPONS        1246

So the dialog won't show? Or isn't it working after pressing OK/CANCEL

Just so you know, "if( response )" doesn't equal "if( response == 0 )".

Anyway, something is wrong with your response code. Please show the OnDialogResponse callback.

Originally Posted by Grim_
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Just so you know, "if( response )" doesn't equal "if( response == 0 )".

Anyway, something is wrong with your response code. Please show the OnDialogResponse callback.
I know that, I was stating that either of those don't work, so this means ifI, for example, send a message when player does "response == 1" OR "response == 0", none of them would work, they both fail.

@Kwarde: It won't show up after I click "OK"/"CANCEL"

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