Script giving random weapons OnDialogResponse ?

All right, I am having a little bit of a problem.

Even though there are no such codes to give the player any weapons, they get them randomly when they respond to a dialog.

I have gone through rhe script several times, without finding out what may be causing it.

This bug needs to be fixed, as a large part of my system is based off of dialogs.

There's no other explanation other than your script having issues, as I have never had this probldm and I've been dealing with dialogs since they first came out. Do a check for GivePlayerWeapon and see if you're running a function containing it within OnDialogResponse

I'm not, not outside any cases at least. And even where I am, I'm using my GivePlayerWeaponEx which gives the weapon with 99999 ammo (indefinite), and when those random guns spawn, there is ammo at a high point. 200 when it's sniper... close to 10000 when it's MP5, and so on

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