
I'm lookin for scripter which can make for me script RP (only from scratch). User which can write has been banned I wanna:
- dynamics systems;
- a lot of dialogs(GUI);
- a lot of textdraws;
- 0.3c features like control lights etc.
- attache items;
- fully mysql;

If someone has got finished GM for sell can PM me, but this script must be like I've writed

Well: No one is going to give the credit for something so valuable to them to you.

-No one will make something from SCRATCH without anything without actual motivation, WITH YOU bossing them around.


Remove the "but this script must be like I've writed" that line, Add some $$$ that you would pay someone for such a giant script. We script for Fun, but that is too much you ask.

Learn to script, AND FIND A PARTENER, to help you and not that someone does the dirty work for you. For free.

A RP script from scratch? that'll cost ya a few bucks. And you forgot the word "Please"

No one wil do this for you if you don't post something like what your offer for it and similar.


Opinion ++;

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