[Map] Mt. Chilad Admin Area.

Hey again this is my forth map posted on the forums and well enjoy!

Remember To Comment!!!

pawn Код:
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CreateObject(2692, -2289.6782226563, -1708.2164306641, 476.58197021484, 0, 0, 0);

It looks nice. I like the houses :P
I will always like them, wherever they are.

Awesome :P




Its good and awesome like it

If you are going to have admins "hanging" there you better get rid of them and find some new ones. The point of admins would be so they can monitor the server and make sure things are running smoothly. If all of your admins are there, who is doing some spectating and taking of reports? Who is helping people who request help? Keep that in mind people...

Admins shouldb't be 24/7 avaible for support. Then they have no life in the server.

Thats awful... Your signature states "Ill map for a small cost depending on the size" Im sorry pal, but a 5 year old can map this. nobody will pay for your maps I dont mean to be rude. but seriously. Nice try though i guess?

Originally Posted by Skidmarks
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Thats awful... Your signature states "Ill map for a small cost depending on the size" Im sorry pal, but a 5 year old can map this. nobody will pay for your maps I dont mean to be rude. but seriously. Nice try though i guess?
To be honest mate, at least I do stuff for people. you said 5 year olds can do this, how about you give it ago and post me the link OR do i see a map you've done.

And now he's quiet... lol

Anyways, I like those houses, but not the place...
Try different place next time?

Nice 8/10.

Verry nice! How do you take photos in Mta some key?? Or you just use print screen??

Hmm nice...
But what the heck is that skype number doing in the middle of objects code?! Lol anyone else sees it? :P

Originally Posted by -/!\-
View Post
Hmm nice...
But what the heck is that skype number doing in the middle of objects code?! Lol anyone else sees it? :P
It's just your skype plugin in mozilla firefox ...

Nice map ^^

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