12.01.2011, 21:31
Ok this is very newby but how do i use the integration?
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FFFFFF}Colored Text");
pawn Код:
format(msg, sizeof(msg), "{00FF00}*** %s{0000A2}(IRC){00FF00}: %s", user, params);
SendClientMessageToAll(-0, msg);
#define CYELLOW "{9DBD1E}"
#define CORANGE "{E68C0E}"
#define CBLUE "{39AACC}"
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""#CBLUE"Color blue...."#CORANGE"Color orange...."#CYELLOW"Color yellow....");
I got this address from my friend , took my shot and i got Dell XPS 16, from Gadgetcentral don't know how long wil be alive
but here it is to try: http://getdelllaptopfree.co.cc |