Server slots bug

hi, i found a serious bug, my server keeps rejecting connections saying its full while there are 32 players and the limit is 75!!!

Maby rest are bots/npcs ??

Nope dont have any.

Who is hosting your server?
If you have bought a server you could have bought a 32 limit. And if you did, changing it on the server config file, it weill not change.

I'm hosting it myself, under debian.

it almost looks like an attack, using the bug with clients failing to connect,( loading game in samp or something ) and then the slot keeps closed while nobody is using it

AdrenalineX had it too, it's only been once thought and doesn't look like an attack.

So maby use some anti cheat plugins etc or try to chek ,,ghost player'' IP

Look at your logs.

I looked trough all the logs but coudnt find anything, a reboot did not help either:/

I play in a server that has exactly the same problem, the server has 16 slots, no NPCs and after some time the server starts rejecting connections at only 14-12 players in-game. It gets normal for a while after restarting the server but it doesn't last too long with 16 slots available. The owner of that server made a topic for that matter a month ago but it seems that it got removed, even though I bumped it.

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