Problem with Client

For you first:

1) SA-MP 0.3c
2) Windowns XP
3) NVidia GTS 250
3) Doesen't matter
4) No Report!
5) It Crashs Loading SA-MP (every Version) | Offline Mode works!
6) Only 1 Vehicle Alpha Mod, but before i had the mod, the problem disturbed me too!

Now the Problem:

When I try to play SA-MP, you first see the Load Screen. Ofthen the system keeps standing on this screen, then, there is nothing to do (just restarting Computer).
50% It works and I can play, but 50% I have to restart...
...because I cant Use "Strg+Alt+Entf" or "Alt+F4"

Important is, that the Game ist bought in the Shop (isnґt cracked).

Newinstalling SA-MP works not, newinstalling GTA SA works not, Update my Video Card works not...

I'm desperate, I hope you can help me (would be greate).

Nobody an idea? Its the same as before.

Use CTRL + ALT + DEL To open Task Manager, then you can close the program.
Problem is, that there is something wrong with the files, causing the game not to respond.

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