What's the best in your opinion?

I'm wanting to update my .ini reading/writing. And I've searched for new ones, and found one called: y_ini. My question is which is really the better? without being mysql, cuz I really dont need to use mysql. I want one newer and better than dini, since it's old ( as some people says ).

Yeah dini is "old" but if you are newbie it's the best, 'cause you can learn to use it really fast.

But anyways you can use SII - It's faster that dini and some other read/write include. But, yeah and Y_ini is cool too.
So it's really up to you and what you want.

Dini / SII... choose one of them. (This is my opinion.)

y_ini, the reading part is complicated, but DAMN, it's fast (45x times faster than dini, lol)

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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y_ini, the reading part is complicated, but DAMN, it's fast (45x times faster than dini, lol)
lol, I just checked Y_INI and It's SO FAST!

If u know how to USE Y_INI then use it.

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