Problem with checking a variable.

Hello there. I have a little problem with checking a variable. I`ll show you the code and explain it.

	if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "skinselectionscreen") == 1)
	    new selector;
	    if((newkeys & KEY_SPRINT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_SPRINT))
	        if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) == 299)
				selector = 0;
			else selector = GetPlayerSkin(playerid) + 1;
	        SetPlayerSkin(playerid, selector);
	    else if((newkeys & KEY_WALK) && !(oldkeys & KEY_WALK))
	        if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) == 0)
				selector = 299;
			else selector = GetPlayerSkin(playerid) - 1;
	        SetPlayerSkin(playerid, selector);
		else if((newkeys & KEY_JUMP) && !(oldkeys & KEY_JUMP))
		    new counter = 0;
		    for(new i=0; i++; i<=30)
				if(forbiddenSkins[i] == selector) counter == 1;
		    if(counter == 0)
		    	SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1409.2100,-305.9026,14.1484);
		    	SetPVarInt(playerid, "skinselectionscreen", 0);
		    	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
				counter = 0;
			else GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~You are not allowed to use this skin!", 3000, 3);
I use the variable 'selector' to check when a player changes the skins. (skin selection). Then, when you hit "JUMP", I want to check the value of 'selector' and set the skin according to it. This works fine.

Now, I need to make some restrctions. So, I used an array with the forbidden skins. I use a counter, and check if the selector is the same to any number in the array (using the little for structure). Then, if it is, the counter is set to 1 and you can`t spawn. If it`s 0 you can spawn. The problem is that any skin I choose (from the forbidden ones), it doesn`t work. Maybe you should come in with some suggestions?

Okay, problem solved. Lock!

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