SetPlayerPos Problem

Hey guys, well I am making a gang wars / turf wars, Im using the streamer plugin, now what ive done is added a checkpoint inside an interiour for people that enter the gang hideout they can leave by walking into the CP and selecting Leave on the dialog menu. Problem is, When they leave it takes them back to where they were but the world is all invisible... You cant see anything, Heres my code

	if(dialogid == 7)
			if(listitem == 0)
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1905.8606, -1116.0011, 25.6641);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, -1);
The Dialog works I just feel it has somthing to do with SetPlayerInterior

Thanks in advance

if ure teleporting a player outside an interior u have to SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);//interiorid 0

I don't think -1 has any models in it at all.

0 is the default interior with the whole map in it.

-1? Lol

Hey guys, Yeah your right it was 0 The reason I put negative 1 was because the default worldid for a dyanmic CP is -1 so I assumed -1 was just a default world ID, as for that being fixed I have realized theres another bug, Every time I leave through the checkpoint it makes the CP you use to enter the interiour in the first place the same size as the one in the interior. Any ideas on a repair except for making both CP the same size?

Originally Posted by LiamM
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Hey guys, Yeah your right it was 0 The reason I put negative 1 was because the default worldid for a dyanmic CP is -1 so I assumed -1 was just a default world ID, as for that being fixed I have realized theres another bug, Every time I leave through the checkpoint it makes the CP you use to enter the interiour in the first place the same size as the one in the interior. Any ideas on a repair except for making both CP the same size?
No, interiors are different to worlds. Virtual worlds are essentially nothing to do with the game engine, they are simply background code in the SA-MP client that make it so only information in a certain virtual world are streamed to players in that world. -1 is just a way of telling the SA-MP client to stream that information to players in any virtual world.

Interiors are actually part of the GTA:SA game code, they are basically places which hold pre-made interiors like the insides of casinos and stuff, but can only be accessed once the players interior is changed to the interior of the casino. Otherwise the models of the interior of the casino won't be shown to the players. People have figured this out in the original days of GTA:SA, and were able to exploit it in interesting ways, like getting the game to set their interior to a certain ID by entering the gym, knowing that if they got out of the confines of the gym, they could fly around and find hidden places. This little bug was used to find the hidden liberty city area of GTA:SA, located in the same interior as the gym, they used a cheated jetpack to fly out of the gym and to the secret liberty city

Anyway I've gone on a bit too much about that! As regards to your other bug, I don't really know what's going on there. Are you sure the sizes you're setting in SetPlayerCheckpoint are correct?

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