
Hey, first of all I wish you a happy happy new year! <3 Wish you best for 2011!

But well, I would be happy if anyone could help me

I cant get it with Random Numbers. Well, I want to add on my Selfmade Script a Phone system. Well, I have a pickup where they can do "/buy phone" but nothing happens yet. I want to do it that they have to pay for a phone, the phone gets a name and they get a random number. They should be also avaible to change their phone number if they want.

+ How to do /call /number /sms /togphone

Thanks in advance guys,

cheers x

......... At least show the command

Lol I dont even have it. Thats what I need, help for it to create it by my own. Just give examples/explaination or somethig, would be so sick!

Well, if some one will make it for you it wont be your own.

I asked for help just. then just give an explaination how to use it/make it. Or make an example command

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