[Plugin] [DEV] .NET for SA:MP (VB.NET, C#)

Project Dead

Hell yea, this is what I were waiting for! Great! Sadly enough I must wait some time longer.

How's the speeds compared to pawno?

Great job btw!

Originally Posted by [L3th4l]
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How's the speeds compared to pawno?

Great job btw!
I haven't run any formal tests, but I'm assuming it will be a tad slower.
Although it does use JIT to compile the .NET code, I'm guessing the .NET/Mono runtime will be lagging it somewhat.
I'll try and post some basic tests later.

This is sick :P. Can't wait for the ALPHA release.

This is very good !
The example in for VB.NET right?
Can you please make an example for C# because i know C# and i want to see how its going to work.

Excellent and perfect. I like C# it will be interesting to try this. Thanks!!

I can't wait

This might be a nice opportunity for me to learn more about other programming languages, I'm sure to try this out!

PLEASE at least don't dumb down users with vb.net's brainfuck syntax and make examples in c#-only.

Yes, I don't know what's "basic" about Visual Basic. It manages to confuse me so bad, I don't even want to know it. C#, in the other hand, is much easier to pick up in my opinion.

The exact same example, in C#:
public class Script
	public static void OnGameModeInit()
		SAMP.Util.Log("Creating Objects...");
		SAMP.World.CreateObject(19286, 16.20947266, 261.96289062, 12.74184227, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		SAMP.Util.Log("Creating Classes...");
		SAMP.Server.AddPlayerClass(26, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		SAMP.Server.AddPlayerClass(26, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		SAMP.Util.Log("Creating Vehicles...");
		SAMP.Natives.CreateVehicle(520, 2109.1763, 1503.0453, 32.2887, 82.2873, 0, 1, 60);
		SAMP.Util.Log(".NET Gamemode Loaded!");
	public static void OnPlayerConnect(int playerID)
		SAMP.Player player = SAMP.Player.getPlayer(playerID);
		player.SetPos(144, 265, 11);
		player.SetCameraLookAt(14, 265, 11);
		player.SetCameraPos(158.0326, 24.4021, 33.2211);
		player.SendMessage(255, "{FF0000} Welcome to the server!");
		player.variables.Add("Money", 5000);
	public static void OnPlayerDisconnect(int playerID)
	public static void OnPlayerDeath(int playerID, int killerID, int reason)
	public static int OnPlayerCommandText(int playerID, string command)
		SAMP.Player player = SAMP.Player.getPlayer(playerID);
		command = command.Remove(0, 1);
		//remove /
		string[] SeperatedCommand = command.Split(" ");
		//split by space
		if (SeperatedCommand[0] == "help") {
			player.SendMessage(255, "{FF0000} No help available.");
			return 1;
		} else if (SeperatedCommand[0] == "money") {
			player.SendMessage(255, "{FF0000} Money: $" + player.variables("Money"));
			return 1;
		} else if (SeperatedCommand[0] == "dialog") {
			SAMP.Dialog myDialog = new SAMP.Dialog();
			myDialog.playerID = player.ID;
			myDialog.caption = "Cookies";
			myDialog.info = "Do you like cookies?";
			myDialog.style = 0;
			myDialog.button1 = "Yes";
			myDialog.button2 = "No";
			myDialog.response += Script.HandleTech;
			return 1;
		} else if (SeperatedCommand[0] == "o") {
			SAMP.Natives.SendClientMessageToAll(255, "{C0C0C0} [OOC] " + player.Name + ": " + command.Remove(0, 2));
			return 1;
		} else {
			return 0;
	public static void HandleTech(object sender, bool response, int listitem, string textinput)
		SAMP.Player player = SAMP.Player.getPlayer(((SAMP.Dialog)sender).playerID);
		if (response) {
			player.SendMessage(255, "{C0C0C0} [COOKIES] Me too!");
		} else {
			player.SendMessage(255, "{C0C0C0} [COOKIES] Really? Sucks.");
	public static void OnPlayerRequestClass(int playerID, int classID)
		SAMP.Player player = SAMP.Player.getPlayer(playerID);
		switch (classID) {
			case 0:
				player.SetPos(14, 2665, 11);
				player.SetCameraLookAt(144, 25, 11);
				player.SetCameraPos(158.0326, 24.4021, 33.2211);
			case 1:
				player.SetPos(28, 26, 11);
				player.SetCameraPos(21.3079, 27.7612, 34.8534);
				player.SetCameraLookAt(28, 26, 11);
	public static int OnPlayerRequestSpawn(int playerID)
		SAMP.Player player = SAMP.Player.getPlayer(playerID);
		return 1;
	public static void OnPlayerSpawn(int playerID)
		SAMP.Player player = SAMP.Player.getPlayer(playerID);
		SAMP.Util.Log("Player '" + player.Name + "' spawned.");


This is the coolest thing in sa-mp I've ever seen

I'm aiming for a 100% class based system. Basically, you shouldn't HAVE to use any of the natives at all, but you can if you want. e.g, see:

P.S. Happy new year, everyone!

Originally Posted by JernejL
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PLEASE at least don't dumb down users with vb.net's brainfuck syntax and make examples in c#-only.
What the hell is wrong with vb?
If you want to use C# then do so.
Everybody picks the language he or she knows best.
That's the beauty of .NET

Jaymac i would like to help you script that net plugin. (if u want)

Im good in VB (2 year's of programming experience including C/Pawn)

So if u need some help let it know me :]

I'm very happy. Now it will be easy for me with vb.net!!!!

Originally Posted by JernejL
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PLEASE at least don't dumb down users with vb.net's brainfuck syntax and make examples in c#-only.
The syntax off VB.NET is nothing wrong, it's handy and clear.

Can't wait to try it out.

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